June 30, 2020

8 Signs you Need To get Grounded & 7 powerful Affirmations.

We are all energetic beings, and our energies need to flow with ease for proper health and vitality.

An indication that our energy flow is unbalanced is when we have that “off” feeling.

Why is it important for us to remain grounded? When we are grounded we feel safe, stable, solid, and energized. We are able to think more clearly, and process thoughts, information, and emotions with more ease. We feel nourished and sure-footed through this grounded connection with the Earth.

For me, my brain tends to spin in circles when I am not grounded. I sense my attention darting from one thing to the next, clicking from email to email, or swiping endlessly through social media. When any of these things happen, I know that it’s time for me to get recentered.

Here are eight signs that you need to ground yourself:

1. You’re experiencing scattered and unfocused thinking.
2. You’re overcome with feelings of fear, lack, or insecurity.
3. You find yourself feeling as if you’re merely surviving instead of thriving.
4. You’re feeling weighted down in one area of life—out of balance.
5. You’re experiencing difficulty falling asleep.
6. You notice pain in your feet, knees, legs, hips, or lower back.
7. You have a lack of appetite, or other unhealthy eating habits.
8. You’re constipated.

When we are balanced, we feel secure, stable, and that we have all that we need in life. But when we’re off-center, we can sometimes feel as if something is weighing us down in some aspect of life. When we feel weighted down, our bodies can tense up for fear of letting go, which can lead to physical as well as emotional constipation.

The best natural way for us to get grounded is quite literally to make contact with the physical earth. Ever wonder why it feels so great to kick off your shoes and walk around barefoot on the grass or sand? It’s because we are making direct contact with the Earth’s energy, keeping our own grounded, stable, and flowing in the proper polarity.

But during times when we are stuck inside (such as the current state of social distancing and quarantine), or unable to get outside as frequently as we’d like, it can be difficult to put our feet directly on the Earth to ground.

This is when affirmations can come in handy.

Affirmations are powerful for positive mindset rewiring and refocusing. They can be used at any time of the day to interrupt negative thinking patterns like feelings of fear, lack, or insecurity. They can also be used when you notice scattered and unfocused thinking. These are some of my favorites that help me when I need some grounding.

Seven affirmations to balance your root chakra and support grounding:

1. I am centered, grounded, and focused.
2. I feel at peace.
3. I am a divine being and I feel safe.
4. I am enough.
5. I am fully supported in all that I choose to do.
6. My friends and family keep me grounded and care for me deeply.
7. I have everything that I need for an abundant life. (My personal favorite.)

One more thing: A powerful time to use affirmations is right before bed because it directs your subconscious mind to work on them while you sleep.

So, read, say aloud, or journal one or all of these affirmations right before going to sleep to notice how much more grounded and centered you feel the next morning.

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