June 27, 2020

Dear Reader who also likes Pancakes. This Letter is for You.

I got your message and was wondering what brand of buckwheat pancakes you like?

I usually eat mine with raspberry jam. It’s okay if you don’t.

How do you take your coffee? Do you chug it or sip it slowly? I like to savor mine and may warm it up a few times in the microwave.

To answer your question, I’m a Pisces, but I took a test recently that said Aries.

I feel deeply and feel most at home in the rain. What about you?

Do you like Colgate or Crest toothpaste? I’m more of a Colgate kind of person, but I’m open-minded.

Manfedonia, Italy sounds beautiful. You should know I’m Italian too, and I also meditate.

Do you want to know more about me?

I love tartar sauce and sunflowers. I push my glasses up when I’m nervous, and driving scares me.

I set twelve alarms, don’t use a planner, and enjoy toast.

I love Teriyaki, cardigans, and libraries.

I feel nervous in crowds, love people, and often sit alone in cafes.

My favorite season is fall and my favorite language is Portuguese.

That’s about it.

One more thing…

I’m curious about you. May our paths cross one day. If not, thank you for the message. 



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