June 11, 2020

“If America hasn’t broken your heart, you don’t love her enough.” ~ Senator Cory Booker

This is just the re-inspiration I needed, last night. Don’t give up. Don’t ignore. Do love. ~ ed.

Update: Senator Cory Booker joined Waylon for our weekly Elephant Retreat re how to make Real Change & keep Real Hope alive.

Our First Friday monthly gatherings are free to join, but you have to register: elephantjournal.com/retreat

Stay Faithful, Stay Faithful, Stay Faithful.

Here’s Cory Booker’s message of Hope.

Last night, I was a bit tired after another long day of learning, unlearning, working, writing, and sharing with our millions of dear readers—you. On top of that, my dog has been dealing with recovering from getting poisoned (yeah), so I’ve been taking care of and worrying about him. So, finally, it’s the end of the day, I sit down and read a wonderful book until it was dark, then made popcorn in my quarantine-purchased Whirley-Pop, and turned on the TV.

Expecting to relax with Billions or Curb your Enthusiasm, I saw a few auto-recordings pop up via Senator Cory Booker (you can set your TV to autorecord anyone you find inspiring). Cory’s a powerfully eloquent, moving, vegan, Brene-Brown-reading Senator you probably know well. I’m a longtime fan.

He’d just been featured on Corden and Colbert, the late night hosts.

I pressed play.

An hour later, I’d been moved and healed and inspired, my hope for real change renewed. And so, as is our duty here at Elephant, we pass on the best things that help our hearts, to you.

“Hope is essential, but it’s not enough.”

“We say we’re the land of the free. We’re 5% of humanity. But one out of every four incarcerated people on earth is here. One out of every three women. Over 90% are non-violent offenders. Because we have made a complicit or explicit decision that we would deal with vulnerable people not with healthcare or support but with police and prisons. If you are mentally ill your chances of being swept up in…” …well, just watch the videos. And here’s the college-written op-ed he mentions.

One refreshing, helpful thing about this Covid/Quarantine time, in terms of late night TV, is that they’ve left behind 4 minute interviews with big crowds and fun games for long-form, 30-minute, in-depth conversations full of active listening.



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