June 13, 2020

One of these three Women will be Biden’s VP Pick—I guarantee it.

It’s down to four, and all three I predicted are finalists:

Hell yes. Transformational, ready to lead: Sen. Elizabeth Warren,

No. Powerful, but mixed past in view of African-American community, not particularly genuine: California Sen. Kamala Harris,

Yes, but don’t know enough about her. Have researched and watched videos. Impressed. Florida Rep. Val Demings

Yes: cool, collected, empathetic, young, black” Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms.


If I were a betting man…

Given Biden’s statements about not wavering on his most vital criteria—that he 1) connects and believes in the VP, and that she would be able to run the country as President on day one, and, 2), given the BLM/anti-racism protests and awakening, the sands have shifted dramatically…and then, with the tide of natural laws, shifted back.

Only one candidate has his faith (Kamala doesn’t), and has the experience: Elizabeth Warren.

Strikes against her: if picked, there’d be a 150-day gap before we could vote in a new Democrat into the Senate, and the Senate is key. Still, that’s a short gap. Two: she’s old, though not as old as Biden, and young enough to run in 4 years (Biden will not commit to one term, which is smart, but has said he views himself as a transition candidate). Three: she’s similar to him demographically: she’s from New England, for the most part, bringing very little advantage, and is white. Advantages: she could unite the progressive and moderate wings. She could be a new FDR–she more than any except perhaps Kamala is ready on day one. Three: she’s popular with the African-American community, though not as popular as Biden himself.

Other two possibilities:

Val Demings would help deliver Florida, she’s black, she’s grounded and experienced (unlike Bottoms, she has decades experience). Her experience with the police would help deliver meaningful change through credibility. Strikes against her: she’s unknown to most of America, though that could also be seen as a positive.

Most exciting, perhaps, is Keisha Lance Bottoms. She’s young, she’s cool, she’s powerful, she’s empathetic. She’d deliver a bolt of lightening to the campaign. But Biden is suspicious of excitement, having seen Palin torpedo his friend McCain’s integrity and campaign. That said, Keisha is no Palin.

Based on his priorities…I’m going with Warren. The main obstacle I see is that they do differ, so widely, on politics. My bet is he looks past that, and sees it as a positive.

Kamala’s not in my running as I don’t think he and his wife really trust, or like, her. I know many African-Americans feel the same way, given her history. (Kamala’s attack on Joe realllly rubbed Jill the wrong way–they’ve moved past that but I don’t know if trust is there).



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