July 13, 2020

Covid, Covid, in the Air: what’s the most Eco Face-Covering or Mask of them all?

Our world suddenly going through billions of plastic disposable masks—a month. What are eco face-covering options?

“There are basically four choices: N-95 respirators, surgical masks, reusable cloth face coverings and disposable paper masks.”

I’ve been mostly wearing bandanas, though I bought some fair-trade, eco masks off of Etsy, which, unlike Amazon or Ebay, offsets 100% of their shipping. I own a few buffs/gaters (here’s one I bought), and have liked those especially for bike-rides or situations where I have to pull my face-covering off and on quickly.

Here’s some advice from the experts, plus a little more at the bottom from yours truly.

Via the New York Times’s free newsletter Climate Fwd (subscribe here):

Choosing an environmentally friendly mask

By Miranda Green

The coronavirus has made face masks a fact of life, at least for now. So how do you choose one that will keep you safe without being too hard on the environment?

There are basically four choices: N-95 respirators, surgical masks, reusable cloth face coverings and disposable paper masks.

N-95 respirators, which create a facial seal, and surgical masks offer the best protection. Experts say that for general use, though, the difference in safety is small while the contrast in sustainability is vast. The best bet for a reasonable balance of protection and sustainability, some say, is a reusable cloth mask.

Mark Nicas, an adjunct professor at the University of California Berkeley’s School of Environmental Health Sciences, estimated that, when worn properly, surgical masks and cloth masks are about equal (75 percent effective) when it comes to reducing the spread of viral droplets to people around you.

Cloth masks are less efficient at protecting you against droplets from others (about 50 percent effective for cloth, compared with 75 percent for surgical masks).

In terms of sustainability, however, “there is no question” that cloth masks are better for day-to-day use, said Gang Sun, a researcher in fiber and textile chemistry at the University of California, Davis.

That’s because medical grade N-95 masks and surgical masks are generally not reusable and usually made from synthetic materials that, like plastic, derive from petroleum and similarly do not break down quickly in landfills.

The same is true of disposable paper masks, which usually contain a lot of microplastics. A study by the University of College London’s Plastic Waste Innovation Hub found that if all 68 million residents of Britain were to wear one disposable mask everyday day for a year, it would amount to roughly 73,000 tons of plastic waste.

One other consideration: It’s important to reserve N95 respirators for health workers, who are more often exposed to both airborne droplets and fluid hazards like splashes and sprays.

Dr. Megan R. Schwarzman, a physician and environmental health researcher at University of California, Berkeley, suggested using masks made from remnant fabric or making your own face covering from household textiles like old T-shirts.

“Virgin fiber of any kind is going to require more energy, more resources and more toxic chemicals than something that has already been made,” Dr. Schwarzman said.

She says her choice for everyday protection is an item most people already have in their homes: a cotton bandanna.

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I’d go one step further: an organic cotton bandana, since conventional cotton is often deadly for farmers, and our planet, and water run-off.

Here’s the bandana company I’m supporting—I just bought three, got a discount. They support artists, charities, and are 100% organic and fair-trade. They also ship eco—I asked. Bandit’s Bandanas. Here’s how to tie it.

Other two best choices: as they say above, bandanas or handkerchiefs…

…or reused cloth from tee-shirts and such, that you already own.

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