July 12, 2020

It’s Okay to Detach from Toxic People—They aren’t Victims; They’re Hunters.

If you take your mental health into account, it’s absolutely alright to abandon toxic people. 

You don’t need to feel ashamed or guilty just because they compel you to feel that way through various methods.

Remember that your life is more important than any unproductive, negative, and lugubrious relationship. Those people are typically accustomed to gaslighting and blame games.

They are masters of their craft who know how to portray themselves as a damsel in distress or a prince in trouble. And, somehow, everyone else is a horrible monster.

They are too smart to play innocent—they assume the guise of depressed beings who have suffered a lot, but they don’t care how much you have suffered. They are toxic and degrading. 

They seek pleasure by any means, which is their primary interest. And when you make yourself unavailable for their demands, they will call your loyalty into question with many humiliating titles. 

But, dude, this is just the beginning. 

What comes after your detachment from them is the genuine drama:

To accomplish their goal of dismantling you, they will go to great lengths. They’ll provoke you to respond to their lousy calls using their past miseries as a shield.

They’ll incessantly cut you to the quick unless you stoop down to their level. But don’t panic; in doing so, they’ll unveil their abhorrent reality—the one masked under a gorgeous personality and glimmering avatar.

The wise ones can take early departures (they get to know beings behind the facade) because they recognize that something has lowered these hunters’ self-esteem. You need to know that they find solace in haunting you.

Yes, they are hunters who act like victims.

They drag you toward the verge of annihilation through their torturous actions.

You need to decipher that you cannot make peace with this sort of breed, no matter how deeply you wish to settle the arguments and reconcile. They’ll always bring some old score with a new face to demean you. 

They don’t want an opportunity for improvement. They want to remain the way they have always been.

Instead of wasting your time and energy on these nutty folks, try to build some positive habits. Find their substitutes. Surround yourself with all-weather friends.

Invest your time in reading good books and stuff.

Meditate often.

Visualize daily and, most importantly, make your self a priority.

Please remember that no one is more important and precious than you are.

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Ayesha S. Khan  |  Contribution: 710

author: Ayesha S. Khan

Image: Polina zimmerman/pexels

Editor: Kate Force