July 14, 2020

She Became the Hero in her Story.


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We grow up fascinated with superheroes and oftentimes, as little girls, we think our dad is one.

What happens when your superhero leaves and you’re left questioning and searching for the next person or thing to come and save you?

They say a true hero is someone aware of our troubles, someone who helps us overcome our weaknesses, makes us better—someone who does all they can to bring us happiness. Someone who goes the extra mile to satisfy all of our desires and needs.

Someone who will do it all for us.

I just knew this hero existed. I felt them so deeply in my heart and soul calling out to me. In the search for my hero, I ended up in countless toxic relationships repeating the same cycle of not feeling like I was enough—not feeling fulfilled.

I learned that the hero we are so desperately trying to find, to be loved by, held by, and fought for is ourselves.

And maybe you don’t yet know or believe that the hero is yourself. Maybe you don’t believe that you are love.

But belief is the force that works through our soul, determining what’s possible or impossible. Belief is the difference between success and failure and—above all—it is a driving force in our expression of who we are and who we will become.

How we feel, express, succeed, and respond is a response to the power of your belief.

Certain beliefs we hold, when combined with the energy of your thoughts, can be major factors that influence our lives. By consciously acknowledging that Spirit is always with us and running through us and that we are meant to live a happy, abundant life, we’ll experience our days on Earth the way we were meant to—as divine beings. Heroes.

Love is the foundation of your existence and you are just as worthy of receiving as you are capable of giving love and compassion. While love can be a beautiful feeling, it is equally a form of energy that propels you through life.

Always know that you are loved, that you always have support even if only in the spirit realm. Sometimes we can get so caught up in the physical world that we forget to remember that we can reconnect with our source at any time and ask for comfort, support, and guidance.

We are co-creators with the universe. We don’t have to carry all the weight or baggage; we have a support team with God (or whatever higher power you choose to believe in) just waiting on us to ask for guidance and direction.

If you have been experiencing a lot of endings, always remember that endings are simply beginnings and that to allow for that new beginning to happen, we must let go of the old—even if it hurts us. The pain of letting go is only temporary and is part of the natural flow of life.

We can be grateful for this life and the opportunities and experiences that it presents as this is how we grow and learn and expand into a more evolved human so that we can truly live the life we were meant to.

Fears will arise, and we can honor these fears for exactly what they are: fears. But we can also choose to replace them with the insight of awareness and remember that these are just old patterns and conditioning that once kept us safe but no longer serve us. We can love that about ourselves and choose to move forward in love.

Unity consciousness is where we are being asked to evolve. We’re being asked to bring a higher awareness (5D) to the physical world (3D), and this asks us to be open to seeing both sides of a situation: to honor that they are the same while honoring the differences between the two. We’re being called to recognize that we are all one, yet we’re authentic and different and deserve to be a unique expression of that oneness.

Oftentimes, we want things to work out in our favor, or we think that we are undeserving because something didn’t work out. This is just a redirection of course.

When we can trust in divine order and timing and allow ourselves to flow, allowing for circumstances to happen through us, we gain a sense of freedom and gratitude that understands and appreciates that things have a way of working out for the better.

You are a beautiful, divine being. You are a hero; if not to someone else, then to yourself. Be compassionate with yourself.

Growth is a process and a constant one. Always remember that we are here to expand and to remember who we are. We are here to remember that we are all part of one source and we all play a role in this together.

When we can take responsibility for our circumstances and choose to learn from our mistakes, we become a fully developed hero in our lives.


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Jennifer Abbott  |  Contribution: 1,270

author: Jennifer Abbott

Image: @tarnellisart/Instagram

Editor: Marisa Zocco