July 24, 2020

This Young Girl’s Cover of “Chandelier” (Sia) is Absolutely Jaw-Dropping.

For more musical magic in your day, check out: This Cover of “Dreams” (Fleetwood Mac) is Absolutely Lovely—it gave me Chills and Beyoncé’s Surprise New Song “Black Parade” is the Revolution Anthem we need Right Now.

Please excuse me while I pick my jaw up from the floor.

I don’t understand how that voice came from that tiny little body!

When I first found this video, I was sitting in bed (and nearly fell off the damn thing). She is twelve-years-old, people! What the heck?

It’s videos like this that remind me of how much incredible talent is floating around on our planet.

Honestly, I am still at a loss for words…you just have to listen to it.

Prepare for full-body chills:

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author: Kate Force

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