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August 23, 2020

How to Spot a False Scientific Conspiracy Documentary?

How to Spot a False Scientific Conspiracy Documentary?

What are the common elements of documentaries intended to show widespread collaboration to create an apparent conspiracy such as an intentionally created pandemic?

Normally I do not bother to even watch such videos but I thought it might be instructive to look at a few of these videos to see how and why they are created and why they have an impact on viewers. 

Honest Science Based Documenties

If one is going to put together a scientific documentary on any topic you look at the published research. You study the papers and make sure that most of the papers are in agreement on the subject of interest.

You usually just select one or two well known experts in the field to speak and show the existing research and where it is published. You also publish a list of scientific references on a website which people can consult in order to do deeper research.

Tricks Used in False Documentaries

I watched “Plandemic” and “Plandemic Indoctorination” (bad spelling intentional) and realized they use an interesting approach which works as follows:

1/ Come to a conclusion that would be shocking and marketable to a documentary creator. 

2/ Do a global search of the internet to find out who might support the idea.  With the world population of 7.6 billion there are about 8 million scientific researchers worldwide. No matter how outrageous a topic you choose it is easy to find well educated people who support it. 

3/ List how many scientists can be found who believe something.

Science is not about scientists voting on what is true! Of the 8 million scientific researchers in the world you can always find scientists who believe in almost anything. People forget that belief is not science. You don’t count scientists to find out what is real!

I have heard people make outrageous claims and say there are 10,000 scientists who believe some idea. Even 10,000 repesents only 10,000 / 8,000,000 or 0.125% of the scientific researchers in the world. 

It sounds impressive to the non scientific person to have 10,000 scientists sign a petition. Fortunately no one in the world of science or politics pays attention to such petitions.

4/ Arrange for interviews of many researchers with unusual beliefs. Make sure to speak of them in the most glowing terms and refer to them as “world experts” in order to build trust in the people.

5/ Build a film based on hearing this large set of people speak on the subject. After a dozen or more “research scientists” speak on the subject the average viewer will feel that the ideas are universally supported by many well educated experts.

The above is a general guide to creating a nonsense based documentary and making it seem scientific to the average viewer who has never done any scientific research.

Why Nonsense Documentaries are Created?

Why do people do this kind of thing?  Most do it to make money. Quite often such “documentaries” are created to market a book. If you use a follow the money approach you will see why the video was created. Many do the videos to support a book while claiming they were never paid to do the “documentary”.

Some do it just to become famous and that is interesting because in this case they support their video by simply pointing out that they made no money from the “documentary” painting themselves simply as a caring educator.

Personally I never watch educational science videos. It is much quicker to read the science papers and come to your own conclusions in just a few minutes. There is a trick to doing this easily and quickly which is shown below. 

Quick Guide to Reading Science

For anyone who wants to do quick research in a medical field but has little science background it is possible by using the following approach:

1/ Always include “PubMed” in your search on the internet.

2/ Skip through the methodology of the research and search for “conclusions”. This will quickly give you the results. Make sure it is published in a real medical journal … this will actually almost always be guaranteed by the “PubMed” inclusion in the search. 

3/ Look at who funded the research.

You can learn a lot and learn it quickly by using this approach. It is actually much quicker than watching YouTube videos! 

The ease of doing literature research in this way gives the average person a simple way of actually looking at the science in about 1/10th the time of watching one youtube video after another searching for truth. 

I never watch YouTube videos unless they are by authors I have discovered in my literature research to be well respected in the field using the above method of searching science.

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