September 26, 2020

Gnocchi & Apples: An Autumn Delight. {Recipe}

Gnocchi—it sort of falls out of your mouth and makes you giggle.

Still wondering if I pronounce it correctly.

Several years ago, my friend Penny was visiting me in Florida, and off to the supermarket, we went. She loves garlic and onions and drinks red wines. My gut cannot tolerate garlic, nor any onions, and red wine breaks me out in hives and restricts my breath. Not a pretty sight, or sound.

And, do not even get me started on salt. However, she’s my friend and we did not want to eat every meal out.

Pasta aisle, she picked up the gnocchi—I said no way. Actually, I don’t think I had ever had it. However, after much discussion, into the cart it went and we made our way to the wine aisle.

To cut to the end result, I liked it. But quickly forgot about the funny-sounding name and did not think about it until less than a year ago.

So, lately, I have thought about gnocchi, probably because the vegan meal kits I subscribed to when the shutdowns started mid-March had me trying new recipes. Since I am vegan and gluten-free, I let them decide my three, two servings each, meals per week. I never got any of their gnocchi though (not gluten-free).

I no longer subscribe but enjoy their entertaining social media page where folks share photos and ideas. Recently gnocchi was a recipe for that week.

Okay, I do not follow directions. I am one of those who put together stuff by looking at the picture on the box and if it fails, then I read the directions.

Pretty much the same with a recipe—check the title, look at the photo, see the list of ingredients, and wing it. Not chicken wings, though.

So, I thought I had this one pretty much the same as the company’s, well, until I posted my photo on social media and then decided to go back to the website.

Yikes, whoa, I assumed they cooked the apple, no, it was a simple side salad. I thought I read basil, no, it was dill. I completely missed that they cooked the cabbage and onions. No, I cooked the apples and lemon, instead!

However, to my delight, on this beginning of autumn and the temperatures in Florida dropping from the mid-90s to mid-to-high-80s, I had a cooked fall meal. A tasty, smell-good, feel-good-in-my-tummy, meal. If you follow Ayurveda, the Vata of my Vata-Pitta dosha was balanced and smiling.

Cooked Gnocchi and Apple {Recipe}


Gnocchi: I did store-bought (organic, vegan, gluten-free).

Apple: Any variety (to your taste; I had a Gala on the counter).

Lemon: Half of a small one.

Basil: I had fresh on hand from my favorite farmers (it’s free with the purchase of produce!).

Butter: Vegan for me (I prefer Miyokos brand).

Spices: Paprika; black pepper; a tiny smidge of sea salt—all optional, use what you like.

Oil: I used a dash or two of avocado oil, any other would work too.


1. Cook the gnocchi, put it in the colander, and set aside.

2. While it cooks, chop the apple (into gnocchi-sized bits) and basil and remove the seeds from the lemon slices.

3. In the already hot pot, add oil of choice or not.

4. Add the apple bites, squeeze the juice from the lemon, and add the spices. Put the lid on the pot.

5. This does not take too long. I chose smaller than usual bite-size pieces to cook the apple faster. Stir occasionally.

6. Add the cooked gnocchi in the pot and as many pats of butter to your liking.

7. When the butter has melted and mixed in well, add the basil. No need to stir, put the lid back on, wait a few seconds, then turn the burner off. This is when I make sure to turn off the stove light and fan since they are my reminders that I turned off the burner.

Yes, I need that reminder. One day I will share my slow process of burning one too many meals till my partner took away all cooking privileges from me. I think I did it subconsciously—I was always the make-a-reservation gal, he was a good cook. It took going 100 percent vegan for me to start preparing and enjoying being in the kitchen.

As usual, I digress. Time to plate or bowl your dish. I went with a black and red bowl.

Take time to thank the food and give gratitude to all who made it possible for this to be on your table. Enjoy!

A quick Wikipedia search brings up fun information on this versatile pasta. I had no idea how many ways it can be made. Nor did I know the name may come from the Italian word for knuckle—nooca. Someday, I may try making it from scratch.


Bonus recipe: Spicy Tofu & Cauliflower Pad Thai. {Recipe}

For a whole bunch of delicious recipes, scroll through my author page.


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author: Janice Dolk

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