6.2 Editor's Pick
September 18, 2020

I Was Told One Time that I’m Worthless.

I was told one time that girls don’t play sports.

So I stood outside of grocery stores at 14 and sold pizza cards until I had the 3,000 dollars to play volleyball.

I was scoffed at one time when I said I wanted to study abroad.

“Good luck with that,” someone said.

So I stood outside of grocery stores again and sold banana bread until I had the 10,000 dollars to go.

I was told one time that I’m worthless.

So I kept running through life trying to find my worth.

I was told one time to grow up.

So I did just that at 16.

I was told one time that I’m a brainwashed punk.

So I kept reading.

I was told one time that I’m not worth investing in.

So the day I turned 24, I took out my own student loan.

I was told one time that I’m a disgrace.

So I wore it like a badge of honor.

I was told one time that I’m selfish.

So I read, The Very Hungry Caterpillar to my kids at the clinic, and learned how to play.

I was told one time that none of what I was once told was true.

I was told today, “I love you, Ms. Rebecca,” and I told the little girl that I loved her too.

I was told tonight that I’m worth it, and I smiled back at the mirror and said, “You’re right. I am.”


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Elephant journal  |  Contribution: 1,375,490

author: Rebecca Renae

Image: Allef Vinicius/Unsplash

Editor: Lisa Erickson