“Trump finally made the cover, then.” Remember when he photoshopped a few fake Time covers and had them framed at Mar A Lago?
About 40 people connected to the White House including him have it. That’s half the meaning of this cover. In fact, there are now more recorded cases of COVID-19 in the White House than in New Zealand, Taiwan, and Vietnam combined—and they have 124 million people.
The Trump Administration is also resisting efforts to contact-trace at the White House.
The other meaning? We see the total rise, every day—we were best-prepared in the world, and have had among the worst responses.
Cool little history factoid: “Can someone tell me why is there only one lit window?”
“That’s the White House kitchen, kinda famous for always having a light on. Was put in during the Kennedy administration.” ~ redditor
Also from Reddit, pass it on:
Know your state’s registration deadline (Deadlines are approaching fast! Some have already passed.)
Register to Vote (if you aren’t already)
Look into early voting / absentee / mail-in ballot options in your state and here’s a map of states with no-excuse mail-in ballots
Check out Vote Forward (https://votefwd.org/) which is a great and easy way to increase voter turnout from your own home without having to endorse any particular candidate. (Three states Clinton lost in 2016 were decided by less than 1%, so every single vote truly matters and these voter turnout programs do make a difference.)
Early in-person voting can allow you to avoid the issues with USPS election mail while still avoiding possible long lines or large crowds on election day.
If you still plan to vote via absentee / mail-in ballot, most states allow you to drop off your completed ballot at your local Board of Election or one of their official drop boxes instead of mailing it. This is a great way to avoid worrying about if the USPS will deliver it in time or not.
Other useful voting info here.
Former felons check your voting rights here.
Know your voting rights in case they are challenged.
Note: Arizona’s deadline has been extended to, as of now, October 23 at 5:00pm. This is subject to change by future court orders, so if you are an Arizonan who hasn’t registered yet, do so ASAP. Source
Original article follows:
President Trump’s tweet on leaving Walter Reed “is an absolute insult to those who have lost someone they love to COVID.”
“I will be leaving the great Walter Reed Medical Center today at 6:30 P.M. Feeling really good! Don’t be afraid of Covid. Don’t let it dominate your life. We have developed, under the Trump Administration, some really great drugs & knowledge. I feel better than I did 20 years ago!”
Bonus: enjoy Elephant Journal’s 31-day Voter Guide, here. Share it up!
Never forget that even now he’s suing to halt the healthcare coverage of 20 million Americans. Vote.
An ambulance ride to the hospital would financially wreck most Americans.”
Once again, he found the bar, and lowered it.
Remember, despite what Trump said in the debate, his rallies have had consequences. A spike in Tulsa following this rally. Then, via another comment:
A humbling Herman Cain/coronavirus timeline:
6/24: Attends Trump rally, maskless
7/2: Tests positive for Covid-19
7/10: Says he’s improving
7/15: Says his doctors seem happy
7/27: Says he’s really getting better
7/30: Dies
Where is our leadership? Our national mourning? Our unity, which is borne by confronting facts with purpose, not allowing sanity to be silenced? Vote.
And yeah, there’s a difference between the two parties:
Finally, this represents no material improvement.
“Dr. Conley said he will be receiving the same 24hr medical care at the White House that he is currently receiving at Walter Reed. He isn’t being discharged, he’s basically being transferred.”
Update: “After landing on the South Lawn, Mr. Trump ascended a flight of stairs and then turned to face his helicopter — and the live television cameras — and removed his mask before giving the departing Marine One a long salute.
Trump Removes Mask Despite Covid-19 Infection
He then turned and walked into the White House residence — without donning his mask. Several masked people, including what appeared to be an official photographer capturing the moment, were inside.
How the world is viewing the great American drama: The Trump Stunt: Why I’ve Lost all Hope & Respect for America.
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