October 5, 2020

The Trump Stunt: Why I’ve Lost all Hope & Respect for America.

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The author’s original thoughts: Trump & FLOTUS Covid-Positive: This could get him a Second Term.

How the world is viewing the great American drama: A Non-American’s Take on Trump Testing Positive for COVID-19.

Want to know some more possible dangerous outcomes? Read this: October Surprise: Donald Trump Tests Positive for the Coronavirus—Here’s the Scary Part.


I got a lot of hate when I wrote in my previous article that Trump and FLOTUS getting COVID-19 could win him a second term.

Read here: Trump & FLOTUS Covid-Positive: This could get him a Second Term.

I wrote that while it was still nighttime in the United States and the media and experts hadn’t given their analysis. I am no political commentator, but the three things that I cautioned against are already happening as I write this.

I am not here to say, “I told you so”—not yet, at least.

Instead, I write this with a level of disdain and gloom I haven’t experienced in my four-decade-long life. Few things have evoked such strong emotions of disgust in me than what Trump did on Sunday evening.

Ah, the boredom, ego, and narcissism. Everything this man has done reeks of these, but what he did today is evil.

I went from realist (in my previous Trump commentary) to doomsday cynic in the time Trump sat in Marine One to when he stepped out of Walter Reed Medical Center for his joy ride.

And this when I am not even from, or in, the United States. For Americans, the feeling would be worse—at least for the ones who’ve escaped this man’s gaslighting.

It is said, “You get the leader you deserve.”

But I don’t want to believe this because I’ve spent considerable time in the country and have some lovely American friends. They are good people. I also don’t want to judge the whole nation by its one leader and his coterie.

Donald Trump makes that so difficult.

The world has mostly looked up to the U.S. with some degree of awe owing to its technological advancement, “progressive” society, high standard of living, and national pride. At the same time, we have also known it to be smug.

And that smugness has eaten into the core of its intended values and what is left is just a shell of a nation ready to implode.

America went from prideful to being a laughing stock of the world. But it isn’t funny anymore.

It is dangerous for itself and for the world. Actually, the world might just do fine without it.

My problem is not about this drive around Walter Reed being a political stunt or show of fake bravado. The repercussions are much more dangerous.

There are serious consequences to what he did—endangering Secret Service members who will now have to quarantine and who could possibly get sick and die; going against medical protocol that other families didn’t have. His complete disregard for those who couldn’t see or mourn together because of illness and his basic lack of compassion or respect for the fact that this disease has killed 200,000+ Americans on his watch and due to his inaction and inconsistency in messaging is alarming.

Once again, he is sending the wrong message to the American citizens—that it’s not a big deal when it really is—a matter of literal life and death. And he’s off doing a joy ride, waving at his supporters.

I see bleak prospects for the country and American society. And I don’t say this in an academic, philosophical way. There is real, current, and impending danger to everything Americans have held dearly, including their lives.

I pity the Americans. The world pities the Americans.





Another one: Let’s Not Make the Same Mistakes Again: We Can’t let Trump Win 2020.

Also, this is not a joke nor a hoax:

5 Life Lessons from a COVID-19 “Long-Hauler.”

The Struggle of having Symptoms—Am I a Coronavirus Long-Hauler?

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author: Sukriti Chopra

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