October 12, 2020

The I’m-Not-Really-a-Writer’s Guide to Finding Your Voice & Writing Your Heart Out. {Free Workshop}

Writing isn’t (just) for writers.

It’s for anyone who wants free therapy, really, or a path to making friends with our self, and our life, and the parts of that self and life that we may not much like. This kind of mindful writing can inspire others to make friends with themselves, too. It’s a form of activism, in this crazy world. It’s fun. And it’s easy, when we engage naturally, without pretense.

Get vulnerable, get brave, get grounded, get open. Learn how, with Waylon Lewis.

In this hour-long, free workshop, you will learn:‍

  • How to get started, get unstuck, and get inspired.
  • How to uncover your voice not just as a writer, but as a human being.
  • Why Writer’s Block is your friend (you read that right).
  • How to write things people actually want to read (on any topic, on any website). Learn how to grow your social community, or market your product.
  • How to write with vulnerability, bravery, and genuine catharsis to inspire real awakening in our world.
  • Discover the real-world magic of building an engaged community of readers, and reaching beyond your choir.

Waylon Lewis and Elephant Academy were pleased to partner with Teachable Discover to provide this {free} workshop. 

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