October 29, 2020

I Hope you Learn how to Belong to Yourself.


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There are some things money cannot buy.

Airbnb in the middle of nowhere: 31€

Train to Sintra: 2€

Mini picnic and bottle of Reserva from LiDL: 6€

Spending the afternoon in vanilla bubbles with Frank Sinatra on the speakers and the scribbles for your novel spread out all over the floor—or spreading yourself across your bed like a lioness because you have done the work (you deserve it)—and knowing there is no one else in the world you’d rather sleep next to? Priceless.

Yes, there really are some things money cannot buy.

I hope you learn to say no to what does not light up your soul (and yes to everything that makes your heart soar).

I hope the rounds of shots and the conversations you don’t remember get tiring.

I hope you learn to make experiences you remember never to forget.

I hope you learn to pack a backpack and jump on a train to explore your country; to fall in love with every little nook and cranny.

I hope you learn to sit with yourself.

And in the silence, hear the whispers of your heart.

I hope you learn to choose the grit of growth over the easiness of company—to love the voice inside your head and realize which ones no longer belong to you.

I hope you learn how to belong to yourself.

I hope you realize it was never about them.

It never was.

It has always been about you.

I hope you learn to embrace fear and turn it into courage.

Loneliness into learning.

Envy into inspiration.

I hope you learn to live your life—unbridled.

Love comes in many shapes and forms.

This is my shape.

This is its form.

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Katie Valentine  |  Contribution: 3,350

author: Katie Valentine

Image: maniacodamore/instagram

Editor: Kate Force

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