November 18, 2020

“I am a proud Ohioan. I recorded this COVID-19 PSA in hopes it reaches anyone before Thanksgiving.”

“We just want politicians to be honest. Everybody appreciates honesty. Until you’re honest with them.”

If you’re traveling this Thanksgiving, Christmas, and plan to be inside, maskless, with vulnerable family:

You’re not only endangering your own family, you’re endangering everyone along the way, and everyone they connect with, and everyone your family interacts with. If you’re not wearing a mask and/or distancing, you are killing people. Fellow citizens. Vulnerable. Ill. Elderly. If you’re going about irresponsibly, you’re the reasons our restaurants are shuttering. The facts are out there. Have been for many months. The cases and death toll is mounting.

Change, now.

Top two comments, including a link to help:

Damn dude. This needs some airtime on prime time tv. Thank you for this. I did my part in sharing it with my network and will continue to do my part. Let’s group together to continue to push this message on our own. Let’s make the difference. How can I help?

The nonprofit I work for is looking for volunteers. We have several COVID-19 prevention and response programs. If youre interested in remote volunteering please email [email protected]. I don’t know the best way to get this message out, but someone helping share it pages would be great. Out staff has been reduced because the charity’s revenue is down but we’re fighting the good fight.

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