November 28, 2020

You are F*cking Beautiful.

Lines are beautiful.
Wrinkles are beautiful.
Sagging is beautiful.
Curves are beautiful.
Skinny is beautiful.

Lies are beautiful.
Truth is beautiful.
Hatred is beautiful.
Regret is beautiful.

Songs are beautiful.
Pain is beautiful.
Thirst is beautiful.
Hunger is beautiful.

Smog is beautiful.
Ache is beautiful.
Death is beautiful.

Crime is beautiful.
Grime is beautiful.
Touch is beautiful.

Love is beautiful.
Tears are beautiful.
Disappointment is beautiful.

Spiders are beautiful.

Creation is beautiful.
Destruction is beautiful.

Sentience is beautiful.
Sleeping is beautiful.
Awareness is beautiful.

I am beautiful.

You are beautiful.

You are beautiful.

You are f*cking

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Claire Boyce  |  Contribution: 4,945

author: Claire Boyce

Image: Alexandra Haynak/pixabay

Editor: Kate Force

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