December 6, 2020

13 Symptoms of Anxiety that we often Misinterpret as Something Else.


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Living with anxiety is tough.

But it’s even tougher when people don’t know that you have anxiety (or you don’t know it yourself). It’s a strange grey area, and the coping mechanisms can often be confused as something else entirely.

There is so much more that goes into anxiety beyond “jitters.” According to Psych2Go (video below), there are over 40 million adults suffering from anxiety in the United States alone!

I never thought of myself as someone who suffered from anxiety (apart from day-to-day stressors), but, frankly, I was straight wrong. I found this list enlightening as much as I was surprised by it. I think it’s important to share, though.

I myself have been in multiple situations where I’ve had to try and explain why I went MIA or avoided an invitation out. (And, apparently, it’s quite possible that I wasn’t even aware of the real reason!)

Here are 13 classic symptoms of anxiety that often get confused as something else:

1. You disappear.

2. You freak out.

3. You over-check things.

4. You don’t go to parties (or social events).

5. You let opportunities pass.

6. Certain days give you anxiety.

7. You hold onto your phone.

8. You don’t make new friends.

9. You dread going to school (or work).

10. You’re clingy.

11. You cancel plans.

12. You rehearse phonecalls.

13. You ask to be alone temporarily.

I hope this list helps you on your journey and aids you in conversations with friends and loved ones.


This will offer more details. Enjoy:


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author: Kate Force

Image: minimalista/instagram

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