December 29, 2020

20 Remarkable New Year’s Resolutions for Couples.


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Most of us are currently making our New Year’s resolutions list.

But how about a list for our relationship? Not that working on our relationship should be yearly, but it’s nice to lay out a few decisions or promises in order to make our bond healthier and stronger.

We could write the list with our partner or join both lists and read them out loud. Keep it somewhere close to you (in your drawer or hang it on your fridge), and remind each other to read it every now and then.

As I firmly believe, relationships take a lot of effort and work, so making a list could be your new go-to in your love life.

Ask for attention. This year, let’s make it our priority to be more open and clear about what we want. If we want attention, just ask for it. Let’s not make assumptions or expect our partner to read our minds.

Talk to your partner about your day. Ask how their day was, what they ate, how work was, and how they felt. Can we make this a daily thing?

Have a date night. Go out with your partner. Don’t underestimate the power of changing scenery with the one you love. This could spark a new flame all over again.

Touch. Hug during the day for no reason at all or cuddle at night while watching TV or reading a book. Whenever you have the chance, touch their skin—it works wonders.

Have fun. For one night, don’t take things seriously. Laugh, talk about that ex who hunted you down for weeks, sleep on the couch, leave the dirty dishes in the sink, share secrets, then laugh again.

Get each other gifts. Every once in a while, surprise each other with small, unexpected presents. A book, maybe?

Make special time for each other. No distractions, no friends, no work—just the two of you.

Understand each other. Try your best to put yourself in your partner’s shoes and understand their thoughts, emotions, and motives.

Have sex regularly. And don’t forget about intimacy.

Forgive each other. We all f*ck up. Learn from it, forgive yourself, forgive your partner, and move on.

Have some time away from the city to clear your thoughts. Go up to the mountains, hike, walk, cycle, look at the trees, plan a road trip.

Do activities together. Find a common hobby to strengthen your bond. It could be cooking, cycling, watching a series, playing board games, exercising, and so on.

Have some alone time. Yup, it also works wonders.

Don’t forget to say, “I love you.” Even if at 2:00 a.m.

Travel together. Visit a new country, a new state—any new place.

Ask each other, “What can I do to make you feel better?” If your partner is not okay, please ask that question.

Be kind. It’s easy to feel jealous, angry, envious, disrespectful, or selfish. But kindness…it requires awareness, and sometimes, we just forget how or when to show it.

Make them coffee. Enough said.

Read poems to each other. Rumi? Hafiz? Something out of this dimension?

Communicate. Every. Single. Day. For. The. Next. 365. Days. About the weather, how you feel, your family, your friends, your fears, your hopes, yourself, global warming, your dogs. Never stop talking. Please.



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author: Elyane Youssef

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