December 1, 2020

Dave Grohl’s Epic Drum Battle (& Friendship) with 10-year-old Fan will Warm your Heart.

Dave Grohl: most of us like his music, and some of us love him as a human being.

He has been with us for three decades. The older ones know him as Nirvana’s drummer, but almost everyone knows him as the singer of the Foo Fighters.

But many of us may not be aware that he has battled depression, dealt with the suicides of close friends, and grew up in poverty.

Besides being a talented musician who found his way, Grohl also uses his popularity to inspire others.

This year, he changed the life of a 10-year-old girl who challenged him for a drum battle. I somehow missed this story when it was in the making and just found out about it. If the same thing happened to you, here is the story in a nutshell:

Nandi Bushell asked Grohl for a drum battle. The Foo Fighter’s front man replied and encouraged her to send him more videos of her drumming. Then the New York Times jumped onto the story. Stephen Colbert talked about it when Grohl was on his show.

As if that was not enough, Grohl wrote this song for her:

The story is far from being over yet: Grohl invited Nandi to join his band for a show in Europe next year. I am pretty sure Nandi can’t wait for COVID-19 to be over.

This is the kind of story we need these days. I wish more artists would be able to connect with their fans on such a genuine level.

Dave Grohl is much more than just a rock star—he is one of the most inspiring human beings of our time.



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author: Robert Busch

Image: YouTube

See relevant Elephant Video