February 12, 2021

“Rejection is a B*tch”—Here’s 10 ways to Move On.


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Rejection is a bitch.

I get it. But, listen, there is hope.

Were you or someone you love recently rejected? It’s always hard to navigate those waters (no matter which end you’re on).

The video below offers some great insights and says:

Dealing with rejection is something everyone faces at some point in their lives, whether that’s not getting hired for a job or accepted into an organization, having one of your ideas shut down, or being friend-zoned.

Although your self-esteem almost always takes a blow from rejection, some people are more affected by it than others. Finding healthy ways to cope with rejection can help you get through it without it taking a huge toll on your mental health.”

Here are their 10 ways to move past rejection in a healthy way:

1. Accept the answer.

2. Distance yourself from the situation.

3. Allow yourself to feel.

4. Spend time with friends and family (and/or therapy).

5. Do something you love!

6. Practice self-care.

7. Work on yourself.

8. Learn from the experience.

9. Put the rejection into context.

10. Explore other opportunities.


Enjoy more details in the video:

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author: Kate Force

Image: giuliajrosa/instagram