February 21, 2021

10 Words from Rupi Kaur for When you Feel Tangled & Hopeless.

It’s hard to stay hopeful all the time.

Our human nature is intrinsically grounded in two opposite energies. It’s impossible to feel one without experiencing the other as well.

Unlike our Instagram profiles, we’re imperfect. We sob when something shatters our hearts wide open. We get edgy when something goes wrong. We hurt when our hearts break. We feel homesick when we play the nonending video of memories. And just like everyone else, we sometimes feel hopeless.

Come on, we can’t help it. And it’s okay. Sometimes, it’s about us, other times, it’s about the world. Triggers are like storms—they come unexpectedly and ruin our entire day.

And it’s easy to lose it. It’s easy to fall into an endless loop of emotions that only drag us further down. It’s easy to think that tomorrow will be as bad and today won’t get any better.

And though the sun still shines outside, our chests are filled with clouds that don’t seem like they’ll dissipate anytime soon.

But it doesn’t have to be this way. Gloominess and hopelessness are just here temporarily. They only linger in our minds and hearts, but in the present moment, right here and now, we have the opportunity to look beyond impermanent triggers.

Today, I came across a poem for Rupi Kaur that reminded me of an essential truth:


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“If the hurt comes
so will the happiness
be patient”

When we fall into the pit of despair, we forget to use the ladder that life always offers us. Just like there’s a way down, there’s also a way up. Pain will come—it’s inevitable. But so will joy and hope and understanding.

Don’t believe in an agonizing tomorrow.

One day, “tomorrow” will prove you wrong.



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Elyane Youssef  |  Contribution: 314,270

author: Elyane Youssef

Image: Dids/Pexels

Image: rupikaur_/Instagram