February 23, 2021

Ode to the Divine Feminine Rising Within Me.

Ode to the She who is Me.

I am on a journey,
Becoming full and complete
As a woman
And as a soul.

For so long, I was a fraction of me.
The pieces I was told I should have—
The divine masculine.
That part, I wasn’t afraid to be.

I held myself in so tightly and taut.
Don’t let go, don’t fall apart.
I nearly died trying to be
Everything for you but next to nothing for me.

Now is my time
To own and embrace so much more—
My heart, my light, old fears, and new flaws.
To trust the inner one who truly knows the whole of me.

I hear the whispers of my lineage, women who came before me.

It is safe; come now; venture out.
Don’t waste another moment.
Let yourself simply just be.

Celebrate your inner goodness.
Revel in the unknowing newness.
Care for the gentle, little shoot unfolding inside—
Tend to her, nourish, and patiently encourage her.

The divine feminine is rising.
She is brave, loving, sexy, and strong.
She is beautiful and powerful.

Your wild—she is never wrong.

Wrinkles, creases, age spots on my face,
Wilting curves and the roundness of my belly;
Proofs of resilience.

In honor of the path of my becoming,
No more waiting, no more hiding.
Step out from behind the walls of your making,
Hold sacred the dreams of your sweet inner child
And draw in the hard-earned wisdom of your soul.

My divine feminine is rising,
No longer denied,
Aligned and whole.
I am learning to love the she who is me.



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Jennifer Simmons  |  Contribution: 9,820

author: Jennifer Simmons

Image: Madeline Bassinder/Pexels

Editor: Elyane Youssef