February 26, 2021

Thank you for Rejecting Me, so I could find my “Full-Body Yes.”

rejecting me

I met someone two months ago, and I thought we had a great connection, but then he just disappeared.

I wondered why this was the case, and luckily, we did speak about it. He was not ready. The timing was off. And he was just not feeling it.

I have had situations like this where regardless of things not flowing, I have stuck around and invested in potential. I have been more patient than I should have, waiting for “better times to come” or for my partner to “just change that one thing.”

I am so grateful to this man for “rejecting me” and allowing me to create the space to attract a connection that is more aligned. See, we often get into this scarcity mindset and we don’t trust the process so we grasp onto what we have. Onto the familiar. Even if it is not fulfilling. And we invest and commit in relationships that are not aligned, which at one point or another, will fail (surprise, surprise).

I am so grateful to this man (and others before him) for “rejecting” me so that I can choose myself. So that I can choose my truth. And by doing so, right now, I can say that I have met someone who is a full-body yes.

A full-body yes is exactly what it sounds like. When every cell in your body agrees with this union. When your heart, sex, and soul are in full alignment. When instead of projecting and seeing what you want, you are 100 percent turned on by the other in all his purity and essence. No compromising. No waiting. No “working things out.” A full-body yes feels like the universe conspiring for you to have exactly what you want.

This doesn’t mean there isn’t “work” involved. This doesn’t mean you will not have to navigate your fears and insecurities. It just means that “the work” can be seen as joy. As expansion.

How can you trust a little more that each time you say “no” to what is not in full alignment, you are getting closer to what is meant for you? The recipe for this: self-worth, surrender, faith, and authenticity. And this is exactly what I work on with my clients—I help them to break down all the barriers they have toward attracting and receiving soul-aligned love.

So, let this just be a reminder, that rejection is in fact redirection toward what is meant for you. Trust the process, dear one, for what you are looking for is looking for you too.


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author: Cassandra Michael

Image: Author's own

Image: Toa Heftiba/Unsplash

Editor: Naomi Boshari