February 24, 2021

Virgo Full Moon: A Time to Care for our Bodies & Spirits. {February 27th}

*Whether astrology is science or magic, we’re open to most things, if they may be of benefit. ~ Ed.


The last few weeks have felt dense.

Heavy. Chaotic. Turbulent. Oppressive. A weighted-down feeling of depression.

There has been an energy in the air of push-pull and, also, feeling stuck in the mud. The energy lightened a bit for a day or so, and now it seems we are back in some stickiness.

This could be for many reasons. As above, so below, goes the astrology motto. Nothing is separate after all.

Mercury came out of its three-week retrograde in Aquarius, only to move into its shadow period, where it still has its effect on us from a more “hidden,” subconscious level for about two weeks, ending around March 6.

So, yes, we are still feeling those skeletons in our closet of ghost’s past, pulling at us; triggers are still surfacing to be brought back into our wholeness and awareness with love and compassion.

Add to this the Saturn-Uranus square that happened on February 16—and will happen two more times in 2021, on June 14 and December 24. Saturn rules structures. Uranus breaks them down. Talk about polarity. And, what is life, really, but polarity? Light and shadow?

Uranus is the disruptor. It comes to get things moving and moving fast; quick, unforeseen change to get us on the right path. It, actually, is here to kick our butts into gear to where we need to be. It rules disruption, yes, but also, freedom: Change. Transformation. Alchemy.

What structures (Saturn) in our life are no longer working for us?

Perhaps the ripping away (Uranus) of the Band-Aid was and is what we need after all: to become more authentic versions of self, to be more free than we ever would have previously chosen for ourselves.

Freedom (Uranus) does come with great responsibility (Saturn). The two cannot be made separate. They are integral to the other; more freedom equates more responsibility.

Perhaps, that is why for thousands of years, we’ve chosen and participated in systems (government, enslavement to power structures that strip us of our sovereignty) that oppress us, because we fear if given the power of freedom, could we be trusted to make the right choices bound by integrity and truth?

Time will tell. And, Saturn rules time.

These energies will continue to play out throughout 2021, so don’t be surprised if things continue to be a bit of a bumpy ride.

Of course, it’s only as bumpy as we make it, as we hold on when we are meant to let go, as we try to grip and claw from ego’s lens onto what we feel makes us secure and safe.

And, of course, it’s a whole hell of a lot bumpier when we make ourselves the enemy; when we treat our bodies, minds, and hearts with anything less than compassion and exquisite care.

The way we treat ourselves matters the most.

Change is going to continue to happen, but how can we show up more kindly and lovingly for ourselves? What would that voice sound like? What would those choices and habits feel like?

The Virgo full moon on February 27, 2021, at 8 degrees of the virgin-goddess earth sign at 1:17 AM (MST) is, perhaps, just what we need to remind us of how to exquisitely care for the self—undergoing change and evolution.

Virgo is an earth-centered sign that focuses on matters of the body, health, routines, habits, and the day-to-day structure of life. Ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication, its emphasis is on how we are communicating to the earthly self (the human self).

For many of us on the spiritual path, we are more and more aware of our spiritual infinite nature, and that is a beautiful, healing, and freeing thing. And, still, we are here, in these bodies, on this earth, at this time, to care for the earth as the most sacred act of divine responsibility.

This full moon wants to remind us of the power of treating our sacred bodies and human selves with a little more kindness and acceptance of where we might be on our journey. It’s a returning home to what is right here, and not making ourselves wrong in the process.

Virgos are associated with the healer archetype: accessing the healer within. The Inner Physician. The Inner Wisdom. Knowing on a deeper level that the healing we seek is within. That we hold the wisdom and answers we so often look to others (outside authority) for.

The light side of Virgo is steady, grounded, detail-oriented, reliable, loyal to self-values, wise, and deeply caring of those it loves.

Virgos are sensitive beings, caring to a fault, and yet simultaneously able to take care of the most practical matters of life; to check items off that to-do list; to be focused on the details of life. And, yes, this can also be the shadow side of Virgo: to be too focused and obsessed with getting it just right; too bogged down by the details of life; feeling unable to trust the bigger picture unfolding because, more often than not, the vision cannot be seen in the physical form, but in the spiritual form first.

We can become too focused on the perfection of life—as if the imperfect perfection unfolding was not already that.

As we all have Virgo in us—to varying degrees of course—we can all feel and relate to these things. And, maybe, lately, we have felt this push-pull between feeling the to-do lists weighing over our heads, the shoulds, the have-tos, all the conditioned mumbo jumbo that taught us to silence the voice within.

The quieter voice that deeply cares for our spiritual well-being is starting to come through, though.

As the sun is now in Pisces, a water sign, and Virgo’s opposite, we can feel the spiritual world calling to us, in our dreams, our deep feelings surfacing, in our mind’s wandering. Pisces is the dissolution of self, and where we will return to when we leave the earth, our bodies. Virgo is the earth of us. Pisces is the ethers of us. We need both.

How can we care for our physical bodies and our spirits?

Perhaps, they are not even separate after all, but one and the same—one expression and form of the other. When we take care of our bodies, we take care of the spirit.

This Virgo full moon is a time to lean into care for the self, to lean into the healing love within our own hearts. A time to remember how sacred we are; to remember how sacred of an act it is to be in these bodies: to move, to breathe, to nourish them, to speak kindly to them.

We are the voice our body hears the most. Praising the self for the smallest of tasks—getting out of bed, feeding ourselves, moving, resting when we are tired—becomes a sacred devotion.

We should say to the self, “I am so proud of you for being here, for showing up. You are doing such a good job being a human at this time, and I know it’s not easy.”

Our words and our inner dialogue matters the most now.

No matter what other voices we have in our heads—from our childhood, society, parents—we can now speak to ourselves in the ways we need and deserve.

Yes, it’s going to feel weird at first, and yes, the inner child in us might scoff at our feeble attempts to try to love them. But, perhaps, we should ask this part of us: what do you need to hear from me?

Maybe, just that we care. That we are learning how to care for the self better. And this doesn’t mean endlessly working through more healing hoops and self-improvement, but actually, for once, saying, “I love and accept you, as you are, even now.”

That is our liberation.

That is our way home.

That is the most rebellious act: a coming home to the self who never wanted anything more than to make us proud and happy. The body has only ever wanted to be on our side, so, perhaps, it’s time we be on its side.

Now is always the right time to embrace the self more wholly. And in that embrace, we will find that love to be the medicine we need, no matter what else shows up and comes our way.

As beloved spiritual teacher Matt Kahn would always say, “We always deserve more love, not less.”


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author: Anna Palmer

Image: Syaibatul Hamdi/Pixabay

Editor: Elizabeth Brumfield