February 25, 2021

DIY Organic Skin Care Recipes to Show your Skin all the Love.

The consumer economy has taken over—to the point where we no longer consider the effects of the things we put on our bodies.

It’s all convenience, convenience, convenience.

There has been a bit of a revolution when it comes to what we put in our bodies, but the surface, the one we show to the world, has taken longer to change.

I, the edge-dweller that I am, found my intuition stepped in when I bought skincare products, even from places like The Body Shop or Lush. It’s not that they didn’t serve the purpose; it’s just that a part of me knew I could do better—for my own skin. I am a unique individual, after all.

And, so are you!

About 10 years ago, I started looking into making my own products. Now, they are the only products I use. They are organic, cheap, and do the job, and, well, people think I am at least 10 years younger than my 52 years.

They are also vegan—just in case you were wondering.

There are many places online to find recipes for skincare and tutorials on how to make your own products. I used my intuition and some trial and error to get my own concoctions right—for me and my skin.

Each time I use them, I feel like a goddess! Or, at least, a bit of a Cleopatra.

I buy my ingredients—mainly from The Soapery—in bulk. I use a lot of coconut oil (unrefined), shea butter, cocoa butter, avocado oil, sweet almond oil, and jojoba.

Sometimes, I add some beeswax; but you can use other waxes if you are vegan. I also add some essential oils.

The only equipment I use is a double boiler and a handheld mixer for whipping up shea butter.

I don’t sell my products. I make a few for friends and family, but mostly, I use it all. Why wouldn’t I?

One little tip for you: cocoa butter and shea butter are better melted twice.

When I get a new tub, I melt it down, then pour it back into the tub.

When I use it in a recipe, I remelt it—it gets rid of any grainy bits that form. There’s some science as to why this happens, but you will have to look elsewhere for that.

And don’t think you don’t have time. You do. It doesn’t take long at all. You can buy some cheap aluminum tins to put your products in or, better still, reuse old pots.

For my eye and lip moisturizer, I use tubes that are normally for lip salve. I find they are great for dabbing gently under the eye.

Here are two of my recipes for you—have fun!

Lip and Under Eye Salve


2 parts coconut oil

1.5 parts cocoa butter

1 part olive oil

A few drops of vitamin E

I don’t add essential oil as it bothers my eyes, but if you just want to use this on your lips, go ahead and add some.


1. Place the cocoa butter in the double boiler. As it starts to melt, add the coconut oil, olive oil, and vitamin E.

2. Once it’s all melted, let it sit on the heat for another 10 minutes—stirring occasionally.

3. Remove from heat, and add essential oils at this point. You need more than you think!

4. Line up your containers, and pour your mixture in. I put mine in the fridge to set.

These will last as long as the shelf life of your ingredients—usually six to 12 months.

Vegan Body Melts


120g cocoa butter

55g shea butter (or use half shea and half coconut; see what suits you best.)

20g jojoba oil

Essential oils

I use some little, silicon flower sweet trays for these so that each melt fits in the hand and is pretty too.


1. Melt all the butters, and then add the jojoba oil. Heat for around 10 minutes.

2. Remove from heat, and add your essential oils.

3. Pour into the moulds, and place in the fridge to harden

You can add beeswax to these to hold them together better, in which case they are not vegan.

Use a hand moisturizer, body moisturizer, or put one in the bath if you have really dry skin! My sister uses them in the bath for her eczema.

So, go on, research, experiment, have fun.

Allow your skin the riches it deserves—totally chemical-free!


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Kirsten Ivatts  |  Contribution: 1,225

author: Kirsten Ivatts

Image: Author's Own

Editor: Elizabeth Brumfield