February 9, 2021

How to Change the World One Person at a Time.

It is hard to share yourself in a world that isn’t often as real or tangible as it is online—in a world where there are so many opinions and judgments that we can’t even find ourselves amongst it all or see others truly in it.

We’ve been conditioned since the day we were born by our parents, schools, friends, people we connect with, and society on how to think about it all. “Normal” is just what we learnt, know, and are comfortable with. Someone else’s normal is the same, but through different experiences, teachings, lessons learned, and perspectives. It’s not wrong or right. It is simply how we learn and evolve.

However, as an adult, it’s important to understand how our thoughts make our lives. It’s our responsibility to dig deeper into our conditioning and patterning and decide what serves us and doesn’t serve us, and then create new thoughts, choices, and actions that do serve us.

We also need to do it without blaming or shaming others. Instead, we need to share and have conversations so we can understand each other and create boundaries to work in more harmony with ourselves, others, and the world.

We can then use our true power to change the world one person at a time, starting with us—starting with an upward spiral of kindness, responsibility, and awareness on how we respond.

How we respond to everything with our thoughts, feelings, choices, and actions is what changes our lives and the world. We are all just people, but we spend too much time labeling and limiting ourselves and others.

My hope is we all listen better and open our hearts so we can breathe deeper into being human.

Because, in a world where are often taught that we aren’t enough, in a world where hurt people hurt people and our looks decide our worth, we need to create an upward spiral of kindness.

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Rhyanna Watson  |  Contribution: 28,540

author: Rhyanna Watson

Image: Author's own

Editor: Juliana Otis