March 30, 2021

An Ode to Womenship (& to a Sister who Loved all of the Broken Me).


I want to honor women celebrating women.

That fellowship between women, uplifting each other the hell up.

I celebrate the care, the empathy, how we can clean each other’s tears and together smile.

I celebrate our pain because all that darkness is what makes us love beyond limitations, beyond fear and distrust to fall again.

A velvety skin can also carry strong thorns. They try to tell us we are too sensitive, too emotional, and I say: yes, thank god, this world can use more empathy, more care for others, and more care for us. We embrace the blessing that it is to feel, to express how much things matter to us. God and nature chose women to birth, to nurture, to love.

If you care to, you can touch our beating heart; that is how vulnerable and open we can be at times.

Mamas who kiss your boo-boos, sisters who stole the cookies with you.

Lovers who hold your hand through rain and sunsets, wives who respect you and encourage you. Grandmothers who constantly kiss you and say: you can be whomever you want, girlfriends who scream: you know you can do this, let me give you a hand.

Beauty, openness, care, support that knows no bounds, this is what we are, we believe in each other; yes, my queen, no need to display a crown. You are caring and genuine; this cannot be photoshopped.

The best example of a woman I carry inside my heart is my sister Lili; she was a mom who loved her children, a sister who loved me, despite knowing how broken I was, a woman who worked, who believed in family, who believed in love. 

Life wasn’t easy, and she never gave up on believing. She believed in phone calls, in staying in touch, she showed me that you could come from dysfunctional as f*ck, and choose to be kind, to build a happy kind of life.  

I honor her, and all of you gorgeous, powerful yet sensible women, who have so much to give to this world. So much light that needs to shine, I encourage you to speak up, to share your love and care, keep rising up.


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Michelle Gutierrez  |  Contribution: 42,600

author: Michelle Gutierrez

Image: Author's Own

Editor: Sukriti Chhopra