March 28, 2021

The Dysfunctional, yet Alluring Power of the Villain (& Why we Desire Him).

So often, I find myself loving the man in the books or movies who has the difficult-to-love personality.

He is always drawn to the beautiful main character, who is usually someone delicate and breakable. He is the tall, dark, and narcissistic type who would never ride on a white horse to save the princess. He pulls me in and makes me fall in love with his character—I root for him.

This mirrors my life; always chasing the ones from the books I read when younger that told me this could be my version of a fairy-tale.

I never read the books that portrayed love as easy and light with a gentleman. I’m pulled to those who are possessive, have quick tempers, big personalities, and reputations less than clean. I want to save them and I want to prove to the world that I can be the one who shows him how to love someone.

There is something so magnificent about watching the villain drop to his knees in front of the person who has made him feel something he never has.

Those who witness can hardly believe this woman has such power over someone who walks through life like a god. He is weak at the sound of her name. The villain, as opposed to the hero, would destroy the entire world if she was ever hurt. He would never allow anything or anyone who thinks of her in any way other than his, continue to breathe. The hero, however, may sacrifice her to save the world for the greater good; she can simply be given up.

The frustrated villain has a deep desire for her that makes him need to run his hands through his hair from insanity. This is my version of laying a jacket over a puddle of water to save the girl’s shoes from getting wet.

He avoids her in an attempt to protect her, but he can never stay away.

We love the villain who is so passionate; his dark eyes look into hers and the entire world surrounding them fades to nothing more than a dream-like world. His eyes hold her as his hands and body pull her to him as he needs her to ground him. Their love and physical attraction are intense and powerful.

I am drawn to this dysfunctional and usually unhealthy attraction between the two personalities. This sweep-me-off-my feet type of person is intense, powerful, dark, and inviting—despite the world telling you to stay away.

There’s a reason we love the villain. He is able to show himself as the world has made him. Despite the shell he has built for his protection, he becomes vulnerable to one person and we all so desperately want him to win.

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Brittany Walter  |  Contribution: 3,270

author: Brittany Walter

Image: Ibraim Leonardo/Pexels

Editor: Brooke Mundell