April 8, 2021

177 Words that will Light a Fire in you to Save our Planet.


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If I were a mermaid,

I’d find a way to show,

all the humans on this earth,

just what they need to know.

I’d bring them to the ocean,

poisoned with their rubbish,

show them dying coral,

that made our homeland flourish.

We’d tour the world they’re killing,

see species near extinction.

They’d watch fish eating debris,

and realise it’s not fiction.

I’d find a way for them to feel

what it’s like to breathe,

the plastic they’re depositing

that suffocates our reef.

I’d let them see the damage,

their waste makes to our home.

I wonder what they’d do,

if we did this to their own.

I’d teach them to lead a simple life,

that comes with harmony,

for those who live around them,

like us beneath the sea.

If my name was Ariel,

if I were the chosen one,

I’d use my voice to make them hear,

our story, through my song.

This planet is our home as well,

let’s clean it up together,

show the world we care for it,

so it survives forever.


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Amy Vanheste  |  Contribution: 57,215

author: Amy Vanheste

Image: tarnellisart/instagram

Editor: Lisa Erickson