10 Editor's Pick
April 7, 2021

Khloe’s Leaked Un-Edited Bikini Photo & Why I won’t be “Keeping Up with the Kardashians” Anymore.

The circus-like frenzy surrounding a single unedited photo caused mayhem in the media today.

The subject of this forbidden photo is a member of reality show royalty.

Heads are rolling because an assistant released a photo (the leaked one, here) that wasn’t authorized, or perhaps a family member did, not quite sure which story the publicists will run with. Either way, the photo is as hot as molten lava and if you look directly at it, your eyes will burn.

When you grow up in a family who has literally made their livelihood by getting exposure any way they can, one has to wonder if this mosquito-sized mishap is really worth getting in a tizzy over. One could even wonder if it was a mishap at all or just a publicity stunt? It certainly doesn’t compare to big sis’s video. This is just a case of an unauthorized photo making its way onto social media. Somebody will lose their job, that’s for sure, even if it’s Grandma.

In addition to the picture making its way into the world, the message to young women is doing the same.

The bikini-clad body in question seems to be saying, who I am—underneath the makeup, the spray tan, the hair extensions, and the plastic surgery—is not someone I am willing to share with the world.

This revenge body will just not do, until it’s photoshopped. The body dysmorphia this kind of message sends to young people is harmful at best, and lethal at worst. While I realize the message is nothing new for this “krew,” I find it highly irresponsible for a reality show personality to throw such a temper tantrum over whether or not she looks hot enough for the public. She’s wearing more in this photo than in some I’ve seen, so I’m not quite sure what all the fuss is about. There are no wardrobe malfunctions and the only thing being exposed is a young woman with a fresh face.

I’m guessing she hasn’t ever posted on No Makeup Monday? It appears that without an army of hair and makeup gurus on hand, this single photo is unauthorized. There will be hell to pay for anyone who saw it—an eye for an eye. What other conclusion can we come to?

This could have been the perfect opportunity for her to get real with her fans. What she believed to be damage control, could have been the shiniest silver lining of all.

She could have endeared herself to young women everywhere who are afraid to show the world who they really are. She might have released a statement saying, “This is what I really look like before I hit the set” or, “Not bad for 30-something, huh?” Or perhaps even, “How about giving a girl some time for makeup?”

People are running around as if lives were at stake, and the real tragedy of this rogue photo is that they are. Every young, impressionable, insecure tween, teen, 20, 30, 40, and 50-something, who hasn’t quite grown into herself yet, is watching. Full faces of makeup at all times, dressed to kill 24/7; who can pull this off? The standard of “beauty” shown weekly could be quite intimidating if you aren’t entirely confident in your own skin. They live in a fairy tale where people wake up with a full face of makeup and have multiple wardrobe changes every day—dressed to kill 24/7. Do you know anyone normal who can pull this off?

What happens in the mind of a tween or teen who decides she’s not okay with how she looks without all of the hoopla. Is she thinking, “I’m not pretty enough”? How many of those girls would be thrilled to look like “she” does in that bikini. I’ll give her credit, she works at it, but that doesn’t excuse the prima donna behavior that we saw today.

These young people might not have the luxury of unlimited resources for surgical procedures to enhance or reduce, makeup artists to paint on faces, trainers to transform bodies, lighting specialists to highlight their best features for Zoom calls, and the list goes on and on and on.

At a time like this, I am thankful that my daughter is 20-something and has a good head on her shoulders. She’s not looking up to anyone for her values. She’s looking in the mirror. She watched the show when she was in high school and as hard as I tried not to, eventually I got sucked in. When she left for college, I found myself tuning in occasionally. It was so preposterous, it was entertaining. But I know better; they don’t.

As viewers, we vote with our remote control. I am choosing to put my foot down, both actually, and stand for a healthy message. I will not support values I find harmful to young girls or old girls. This narcissism is nothing new. It’s just enough is enough time for me. This obsession with perfection undermines a healthy self-image.

While most of the world is trying to fall in love with who they see in the mirror looking back at them, these girls are killing any hopes we have of believing that beauty is only skin deep.

We live in a society fascinated by scandal. We want to look away, and yet we yearn for every juicy detail. I am committed to making my difference this time—not by turning away, but by turning the channel. I’m invoking my own Kancel Kulture.

By the time you read this, the whole scandal may have blown over, like a bad case of food poisoning. You may even be scratching your head wondering who I’m even talking about, and the answer is, “That’ll be our little secret. KK?”


Update, Khloe responds to the photo here.


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Cathy Rosenberg  |  Contribution: 38,495

author: Cathy Rosenberg

Image: @khloekardashian/Instagram

Image: @HollyGShore/Twitter

Editor: Naomi Boshari