9.3 Editor's Pick
June 23, 2013

Before & After Photoshop.

Here’s another reality check: Photoshop, Social Media & Body Shaming: Alternative Reality doesn’t only Exist in Politics.


“Kim Kardashian’s before and after photoshop is applied to Paper Magazine cover.”


This is so beautiful. A girl’s Photoshop request.

View post on imgur.com


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Oh boy: Never forget Alex Jones once posted before and after pictures to sell a supplement in which he barely changed but just got redder (i.redd.it)

An antidote to all of the below:


Update: both images above:

“Justin Beiber threatened legal action against breatheheavy.com for posting this .gif that suggests he is not as big as his Calvin Klein advertisement makes him look, claiming this insinuation by Breathheavy is damaging “his brand.” (i.imgur.com)

Media has unrealistic beauty expectations for Men, too.


For more on the below, here.

Mindful bonus:


6 hours of photoshopping a model time-lapsed into 90 seconds:



Compare these pictures of Beyonce to any no-makeup non-retouched picture of her.




Mindfulness isn’t about gurus on mountaintops. It is about everyday life. It is about learning to make friends with oneself, as we are. Buying into perfection is aggression: aggression toward ourselves.

“A little perspective goes a long way…” via Imgur via my ol’friend M.

photoshop media maitri

What’s sexy? Humor. Loving oneself. Not perfection? Not so much (but it sure does sell):

For more on Maitri just as we are, read the Buddha, on Aging Gracefully. Or, Katy Perry Photoshopped. Or, More Attractive without Make up?

Ah, photoshop. The digital equivalent of plastic surgery. Photos:


On how to help our life and our world:

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