May 10, 2021

If You have Something Good to Say—Say It.

A simple thought to carry with you as you go about your day.

It seems people these days are easily inflamed. We see it on the roads, in random stores, and on social media. Especially on social media.

During what has been a difficult and tumultuous year for many, we don’t seem to be uniting and finding strength in numbers. We seem more divided than ever, and I wonder some days if we will find our way back to a more civil, courteous, and respectful society where people actually try a bit harder to get along.

I’ve always been a big believer in calling out and paying forward the good in life. Whether it be an extra thank you to someone who has gone above and beyond, holding the door for the person behind you, or wishing someone a good day.

In a world where everyone seems to complain and gripe as the norm, I think we need to practice more gratitude and less grumping. But let me step down from my pulpit and get to the point.

My mother was needing some handles for some 53-or-so-year-old pots and pans. She found a distributor online and per usual, tasked me with the responsibility of ordering.

The experience was stellar. The woman on the phone was professional, warm, and kind. There was no scripted pitch or robotic responses. It was a genuine, down-to-earth conversation where a business transaction was made.

A couple of days after the order was placed, she called back with an issue. The post office said my address didn’t exist. Five-plus years in my home told me the post office clerk was wrong; however, it happens. We confirmed my address and she said she’d try another local post office the following day. She was genuinely concerned and wanted to ensure the items we ordered reached their destination.

Real customer service, not the chain store, 800 number response.

Do you know that Americans tell an average of 15 people about a poor service experience, versus the 11 people they’ll tell about a good experience?

I called that woman today. I wanted to let her know that the handles arrived and thank her again for, well, just being a decent and pleasant person who did her job well and cared enough to ensure our purchased goods found their way to us.

Should you be fortunate enough to have this same kind of experience, take a minute out of your day to say thank you. Follow-up, pay a compliment, and make someone smile.

That lady’s response and gratitude for my call made me happy. It warmed my heart to know that with all the madness going on in today’s world, a simple gesture can make all the difference.

Support small business. Practice gratitude. Be the change you want to see in the world.


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Erin Murphy  |  Contribution: 166,535

author: Erin Murphy

Image: Jamie Brown/Unsplash

Editor: Lisa Erickson