June 24, 2021

Mind, Body, Spirit & Home Connection: 10 Major Rooms in our House & the Symbolism they Hold.

I believe in a mind, body, spirit, and home connection.

As a Feng Shui practitioner and someone who also studies medical intuition with a brilliant mentor, it is my experience that our homes play a major role in harmony and balance in our lives.

I have seen our homes speak to us just as much as our bodies do.

Every item in our home holds symbolism, just as every room does.

We can look to specific areas in our homes and gather information about what might be happening in our lives. We can also use a particular room to help inspire change in our situations.

For example, when I was ready to find a loving and committed partnership, I knew it could help to make some shifts in the room connected to romance, intimacy, and love—my bedroom.

Our bedrooms are our most personal space, and they are the one room in our home that directly affects intimate partnerships. While I loved my bedroom, it was not set up to welcome in a loving partnership. It was set up for me, myself, and I, and all of the spiritual learning I was doing.

It was small and quaint but had a comfy vibe. The queen-sized bed took up most of the space, enhanced with a charming ruched violet duvet, white and purple square toss pillows, and a luxurious fuzzy white blanket draped over the feminine white metal bed frame. The swirly, delicate headboard was up against a large window framed with translucent sheer curtains, allowing the bright sunlight to shine in every morning.

Although it was a small home, the bedroom came with ample closet space where one whole wall made up the closet with mirror doors. I didn’t have furniture nor a dresser, only one small nightstand on the far side of the bed for myself, and I liked the simplicity of that.

Under the nightstand was a big basket with all of my tarot and oracle cards. The decor of the room kept a minimal character with spiritual accents. The only art I kept was on the wall that my bed faced; I would wake up each day, and my eyes were met with my deceased grandma’s clear quartz rosary, decoratively draped through three small square images of crosses.

There was also a bit of draining energy in the space. Because my home was half of an original home made into a duplex, the owner got creative. The bathroom connected to the bedroom was so small that there was no room for a sink. So they built the sink outside of the bathroom, in the bedroom.

I did love the home, and I was comfortable in my bedroom, but my truth was, not one part of it was set up for relationship success. I knew that it needed to change.

I shifted the color pallet from a spiritual, royal purple to a more symbolic loving color: pink. I swapped out the translucent curtains for some heavier curtains that matched the new duvet. Using them certainly created a more “yin” environment that supported more love and intimacy, versus active learning.

I removed all of the spiritual tools from the bedroom and replaced the art on the wall. Now the first thing my eyes would see in the morning was a canvas that inspired romance and love—the image was of a couple in the middle of a city, under a red umbrella, in what appeared to be a firm embrace.

In an attempt to set up the room to “share” with another person, I got rid of my one lonely nightstand and purchased two stools that worked great as nightstands. I created space in the closet for a potential new mate and even made space in a bathroom drawer near the sink for their items. I implemented two Feng Shui remedies, including one for the sink.

Not one month later, I met my now-husband.

So in my experience and opinion, it matters. It can make a difference. Various rooms give us information about our situations’ status and at the same time can be a canvas to help change what we don’t like.

Following are 10 major rooms in the house and the symbolism they hold:

1. Attic: the attic represents our mind space and abstract ideas. Many of us are quick to keep a cluttered or unkempt attic, which could translate to a cluttered mind or scattered thoughts.

2. Basement: the basement can symbolize everything we shove and stuff away—feelings and memories. It is also representative of our unconscious thoughts and the parts of ourselves we don’t show the world—perhaps the parts we hide.

3. Bathroom: the bathroom is the room in our homes where we care for ourselves, get ready for the day, and clean ourselves up. It is representative of self-care and can display how we are caring for ourselves.

4. Bedroom: our bedrooms are our most personal space. They are where we rest, rejuvenate, make love, and experience intimacy.

5. Dining Room: the room of community, gathering, and where conversations happen over the table. It is where we come to discuss and share experiences and sometimes where lessons in understanding occur. It is the one room where everyone is likely to come together simultaneously, most often. This is also the area in our homes designed to comfort ourselves with proper food.

6. Family/Living Room: this room holds shared space, an ability to bring everyone together, typically hosts the entertainment features of the home, and can be a space of relaxation.

7. Garage: if we have one, the garage is a unique space in that it is the only room where one whole “wall” often opens and closes. There is a constant coming and going energy. It also represents safety, security, and stability. If we don’t have a basement, the garage also holds a lot of similar symbolism—unconscious thoughts and a lot of what we don’t want to look at, such as shoved emotions or old memories.

8. Kitchen: a room representing comfort, family, health, the way we nurture our bodies, and a place where the family often gathers. It is where we come to prepare nourishment for ourselves and those we love.

9. Laundry Room: the laundry room can represent appearances (cleaning them up or not), cleansing the old, purification, and removing what is not working, including emotions. Much transformation happens in this area, and it is typically a transformation that is negative to positive.

10. Office: the home office symbolizes income, distractions, responsibilities, wealth, and ultimately, work. How we keep our home office can tell us a lot about the condition of our financial situation, like taxes.

We can use these spaces to help us gain a better understanding of what is going on and/or change a situation in our lives.

If our mind feels overcome with ideas, we can clean out the attic. If we need to get our finances in order, perhaps paying attention to our home office can help bring a shift. If we notice that everything in the kitchen is leaky or broken, it might be time to look at our self-care and nourishment regimen.

Take what is helpful and leave the rest. If this does inspire you to make a shift in your home or pay attention differently, I’d love to hear from you in the comments!


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author: Gina Nicole Ballard

Image: Kinga Cichewicz/Unsplash

Editor: Lisa Erickson