July 18, 2021

Chiron is in Retrograde—& Everything You Need to know about How that Affects You.


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In astrology, Chiron is known as the “wounded healer.”

It represents our deepest wound and our efforts to heal.

The comet was named after the centaur in Greek mythology who was both a healer and a teacher. Ironically, Chiron had the ability to help others heal but was not able to heal himself. Maybe, this is why the role of healing our traumas has been cast upon us.

Chiron points to where our healing powers lie as the result of our personally deep spiritual wounds. The astrological house that Chiron traveled through during our time of birth sets the destiny of our work.

As wounded healers, we must face issues of low self-worth and feelings of inadequacy and learn to rise above them. Because the Chiron wound goes deep, we may have to work hard to overcome it. Retrograde draws us toward this.

When Chiron is in retrograde, we may notice ourselves facing the wounds we were destined to endure and find ourselves in healing mode. It’s an opportunity to address and move forward.

Want to know why I believe in such woo-woo?

During year 16, on my journey through life, I found myself performing a nightly ritual: laying on the front step staring at the sky. Every night, around the same time, I watched shooting stars pass by. During this time, I was just over one year into the life-altering change of abandonment and I was living with my best friend’s family.

When I checked my chart, I found that Chiron was in Cancer. This is known as the wound of family. Many times this comes from the mother and affects our sense of security and safety in relationships.

The parental abandonment, neglect, and abuse endured, just before I found myself connecting to the stars on a regular basis, is where my trauma-healing work begins. And continues as I struggle to raise a family on my own, as a highly sensitive empath, with trauma-related disorders. As you may be able to imagine, this has had quite an impact on my relationships.

Is this a coincidence, or has it been written in the stars for me?

The answer to this question is personal. I believe that whatever speaks to you guides the way.

But if you’re interested in looking into Chiron’s influence on you, how that may have affected your life, and where your healing journey begins, follow the links below:

>> Find where Chiron is in your birth chart!

>> And what that means.

>> Chiron in Cancer: The Wound of Family.

I’m curious to know if any pieces have come together for you in your exploration as they have for me.

Let me know in the comments!


Another timely one: Aquarius Full Moon: 2 Things to Remember, 2 Things to Do & 1 Ritual to Help. {July 23}


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Tiffany Timm  |  Contribution: 52,745

author: Tiffany Timm

Image: snakes.n.roses/Instagram

Editor: Elyane Youssef