July 29, 2021

Imagine an Ethical book: No ink? And carbon negative paper? Planting more trees, while using zero new trees? Amazon-free? Local-printed at a shop that pays humans well?

No ink? And carbon negative paper? Planting more trees, while using zero new trees? Amazon-free? Local-printed at a shop that pays humans well? That’s my next book.

Just met about my next book. It’ll be blue.⁠

It’s important for books to be ethical. Both the words, and the form of the book itself, as well as for those who labor over it. So:⁠

It’ll also be plastic-free (most cloth covers nowadays are…plastic). Most non-cloth covers are plastic-layered.⁠

It’ll also be ink-free! No petroleum at all. I’m amazed at this. Algae, which sucks up carbon!⁠

It’ll also be printed locally. 46 blocks away. At a place that pays folks real living wages, and then some.⁠

It’ll be delivered without plastic-wrap around all the books, unlike most.⁠

It’ll be shipped plastic and styrofoam free, including even the tape, unlike most.⁠

The paper is 100% recycled/pcw, and that’s the least of it. It’s the greenest paper (like last, green edition) I’ve ever used.⁠

The paper will be carbon negative, and will actually plant upwards of 100 more trees before we’re done.⁠

It’s important for marketing to be honest, about connection, not suckering. So here’s honest: ⁠

The glue will be the least toxic available, far better than most.⁠

The gold foil isn’t recyclable, or compostable, but it is gorgeous. That’s the only element that isn’t super eco-responsible that we haven’t found a solution around.⁠

More good news: it’ll be Smythe-sewn, making it nearly glue free. Old school.⁠

The paper cuts down no trees at all, actually: it’s chlorine-free, sustainably-harvested, Green Seal, Forest Stewardship Council and Rainforest Alliance-certified paper via Neenah Conservation. It’s 100% pcw & domestically manufactured. USA printed and bound.⁠

It’ll be Amazon-free.⁠

Click here to reserve your copy of It’s never too late to Fall in love with your Life. We go to press September 1!

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