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July 19, 2021

Tips for Building a Business in Times of Uncertainty | Anthony N. Picillo

The desire to start a business is a strong one – even during uncertain times. In many ways, that need might just be feeling stronger. There are a hundred different reasons why now is the time to try starting that business.

If one is careful and follows the advice of those who came before, they will be able to build a business regardless of how trying the times. Here’s some advice to get you started.


When running a business, one must be honest about how the company is doing. This is especially important during times of uncertainty. Run regular reviews and surveys on how the business is going and follow up with any necessary changes.


Whether your business is new or old, it must be capable of adapting. A company that can’t adapt during uncertain times is much more likely to fail than understanding how to be flexible.

Has the business been in need of a considerable change? If so, then now is the ideal time to take a step back and reinvent it from the ground or (or however in-depth it needs to be).


A business should always be careful about its spending, but it is essential to prioritize spending during difficult times. That is to say, understand what expenses need to stay and what can go. Make cuts where you can, but don’t ever sacrifice an essential part of the business.

Understanding What a Business Can and Can’t Control

It is critical, especially during harsher times, to understand the limitations of any given business. There simply things that will always be out of your control. However, that just means one must focus on what one can control.

These factors include branding, products, strategies, pricing, structure, stakeholder investments, and public perception. So when times get tough, it is essential to lean on these factors more than ever.

Customer Service

On a related note, one easy way to make your business stand out is to put more effort into customer service. A good customer service initiative can help cover up many flaws, from a shortage in stocks to raised prices, as long as presented appropriately.

It’s important to remember here that customers make or break a business. If they leave, the company will crumble. Making them happy and turning them into loyal customers is the ideal way to survive any situation.

Article originally published on

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