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August 2, 2021

California’s Most Underrated Travel Destinations

Photo by Soly Moses on Pexels.

When most individuals think of California, their minds can’t help but drift off to Hollywood, the land of the stars. However, when tourists actually get to visit Los Angeles, they quickly realize just how overpopularized it is, which often ends in disappointment. But the allure of California is so much more than Hollywood. If you want to find out for yourself why California makes up most of the “west coast best coast” ideal, you should consider traveling to a few of the following destinations in lieu of Los Angeles.


Did you know that California has a town that will make you feel as if you’ve traveled to Denmark itself? The village of Solvang is home to Dutch-inspired buildings, its very own windmill and plenty of wine bars. Solvang is a cost-effective solution to traveling internationally, as it will be hard to believe you’re actually still in the United States. This location is slowly growing in tourism, but it still remains undiscovered by many.


This undiscovered gem is a rival to rustic Italian seaside towns found on the Amalfi Coast. Capitola’s most picturesque feature is Venetian Court, a row of vibrant houses lining a beachy scene. This adorable village is unknown by many, making it an even more desirable travel destination for those looking to avoid the flocks of tourists California has become victim to.

Lassen Volcanic National Park

While one might think a national park would be flocked by tourists, Lassen Volcanic National Park is actually quite underrated when compared to California’s other national parks, such as Yosemite and Sequoia National Park. Lassen Volcanic National Park is an excellent solution for individuals wanting a slice of nature but without as many other visitors. This stunning park has trails throughout the mountainous backcountry, offering views of lava rock and sulphuric mud pits. The park is definitely worth the visit for nature lovers.

Mammoth Lakes

California often sparks up an image of beachy towns and city life, which leaves much to wonder about the state’s mountainous regions. If you hope to discover this lesser-visited side of California, Mammoth Lakes is a great option. While beautiful in any season, Mammoth Lakes makes for a great winter destination, especially as it is home to a popular ski resort. The region offers fantastic views of the surrounding mountain region, a great escape from the city life many have grown accustomed to in popularized areas of California.

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