August 11, 2021

Listen to Scientists and Doctors, not Social Media jerks. 

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Listen to experts.

Republicans love to throw around “the elite” and make jokes about hummus and caviar (see: the Hunt). But the real elite is, of course, the billionaire class. And the real put-upon class is…everyone else.

And while some kabillionaires are altruistic, devoted to the commonwealth, to noblesse oblige…many of them would rather invest in self-glorification, or space travel, than healing our wounded earth, sending kids to college, addressing homelessness.

So, yeah, listen to experts. They may not be wealthy, but most of them are caring, and devoted to truth, and to bettering society. So, as we resist slipping back into quarantine 2.0…

Listen to scientists and doctors, not social media jerks. 

Selfishness gets us somewhere—it gets us more pain, more sadness, more heartbreak, more division.⁠

Kindness gets us somewhere–it helps urgently heal, serve the commonwealth, both local and national.⁠

Now is the time for responsible action, even for all those who love to doubt.

Now is the time for coming-together to inspire, as we’ve seen the care and exertion on the front lines.

Now is the time for generosity, and quieting for those of us who can, and helping those and honoring those who can’t. ⁠

Enough division. Now is the time for leadership. If we don’t see what we all need out there, we start right here, and right now.⁠


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