August 2, 2021

This Movie Line about Wounds is What we All Need to Read Today.


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If you are a movie geek like myself, you definitely follow at least 20 pages on Instagram that share movie quotes.

Well, if I can’t watch one, I’ll check the quotes.

Yesterday I came across a quote from the movie “Antonia’s Line.” But it wasn’t just any quote. I stared at the screen for a few minutes and read it over and over.

I’m sure you know the feeling—when you read something and it rings so true that you have to read it again:

“The proverb is wrong. Time does not heal all wounds. It merely softens the pain and blurs the memories.”

This. Oh my goodness, this.

No, time isn’t a healer.

The wounds remain. The memories stay. But with time, we adapt and learn to live with them.

The wounds don’t heal. Time alleviates them.

The memories don’t vanish. Their freshness only fades away.

Maybe we should just accept that our past is an integral part of our lives. It doesn’t have to control us or stop us from living our best days, but it will pop up from time to time.

Maybe we should stop forcing to put Band-Aids on wounds that might never close. The problem is not the wound—it’s the Band-Aid.

Time isn’t a healer—maybe it’s a vessel. Allow it to take you from shore to shore, without any expectations, without any promises.

Time won’t heal you.

But it will transform you.


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Elyane Youssef  |  Contribution: 314,270

author: Elyane Youssef

Image: artby.ocha/Instagram

Image: moviesquoter/Instagram