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September 24, 2021

5 Easy Ways to Beat Burnout at Work without Losing Your Mind

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels.

Burning out at work is a major issue in today’s highly changing and chaotic environment. When this happens, your productivity suffers, you feel overwhelmed and frustrated, and your attention span wanes–all of which can lead to further problems with your managers. If you’re headed toward burnout, continue reading to learn a few strategies you can implement to prevent burnout from taking over your life now.

Boston-based psychotherapist Angela Ficken says you can prevent burning out at work no matter your job by:

  1. Setting personal limits and boundaries. This is being able to say “no” to others even if they might get upset. You understand what your limits and capabilities are and are able to set that boundary in order to maintain your wellbeing.
  2. Scheduling in brain breaks. Taking five minutes periodically throughout the day can be exactly what your brain needs to stay refueled, focused, and motivated. Oftentimes people think if they just work more and have longer hours they will get their work done faster and be more productive. The ironic thing is the opposite tends to happen. You become less productive and more stressed out. If you give yourself an opportunity to move your body, refill your water glass, have a snack, text friends, or do whatever you’d like, you’ll notice that taking those few minutes several times a day helps your concentration and motivation to do your work. You aren’t going to get fired or the company isn’t going to burn down because you take 20 minutes’ worth of breaks each day. People will survive, and most importantly, you will feel more engaged with what you are doing and everyone benefits from that.
  3. Shutting down work laptops/computers after regular business hours. Take a look at how much work you are doing off-hours. It’s harder to disengage with work now that many are still working from home and you can easily respond to just one more email. Resist this and honor your time after you leave your office or WFH office. When you give your brain a break from work and engage in other activities that bring you joy, your productivity, relationships with others, and your overall level of happiness will increase. Turn your computer off.
  4. Turning off work notifications after working hours and/or on weekends. Similar to shutting down your computer, please turn off work notifications. It only increases stress and though you might tell yourself if you respond to this one thing it will be off your plate tomorrow, it gets you in the cycle of engaging in work instead of being present with your loved ones or enjoying some solo time.
  5. Taking a mental health day or schedule in taking a few days off or even a string of Fridays. Some people will take Fridays off for an entire month. With burnout usually comes the acknowledgment that you haven’t taken time off in a very long time. Use those vacation days to your benefit and refuel your wellbeing tank.

All of these are simple actions but can be huge stress relievers.

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