September 5, 2021

Feng Shui: How to Create the Perfect Yoga Space at Home.


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The first time I sat on a yoga mat, my teacher said, “This is an hour just for you.”

Tears streamed down my face. I couldn’t remember the last time I had taken an hour for myself. I was busy and everything about my life was busy. Being on the mat an hour a week changed my life: it was like landing home again.

To get into the routine of regular practice, especially at home, it’s important to set up your space. That’s why I love merging my two passions—yoga and Feng Shui.

This is a question I get asked often: How do I use Feng Shui for my home yoga practice?

Your yoga practice is sacred and setting up the space to support you is important. If your space is distracting, full of clutter, and badly positioned, you may be less inclined to show up, losing that one hour for you. 

1. Choosing the right part of your home.

In Feng Shui, each part of your home represents a different aspect of your life. The spiritual and personal development area is the northeast side of your home. This doesn’t mean that you have to practice in this space, as it could be your loo and that would be awkward. You can energize this area of your home to improve your practice and commitment by storing your mat there with some yoga books and an altar with something symbolic to your yoga practice.

Wherever you choose to practice, set it up specifically for yoga and intentionally create the boundary that this space is only for your one hour “you time” where you can be in complete mode. Light a candle or some incense to signal this is your “yoga” time. 

 If you have to work in the space an hour or two later, make sure you pack away your yoga gear and mat, and then set up for work. This will mark the difference in the activities being conducted in that area. If you have to use your bedroom to practice, then set out clear boundaries there too. When you have finished practice, ensure you roll it up and put it away.

2. Place yourself in the power position.

One of the most important things when practicing yoga is to make sure that you can see the door and that you have a wall behind you. If you have the door behind you, you are in a vulnerable place, as you can’t see what’s coming at you while you are in your practice. 

3. Keep the space clear of clutter.

 Clear out anything that no longer serves you. Start with one cupboard or closet and move slowly through your space. Don’t try to tackle it all at once. Let go of things that no longer bring you joy or relate to your life now and where you want it to go. It will help reduce overwhelm and surprisingly energize you to practice yoga consistently.

4. Clear the space energetically.

You can cleanse the space using sage or Palo Santo. Layer incense cleansing with bells, chimes, or bowls, then spray rose water (or a scent of your choice) around the space so you are getting into all the levels of vibrational energy that could get stuck, especially in corners. This could be done at the start and end of your practice to prepare the space and secondly clear away any energy that was released during your practice. 

5. Set positive intentions for your practice.

Use visualizations to expand out the positive energy you intend to create. Setting up your space and creating a clear boundary around your practice will make it easier to drop into your home practice and continue to roll the mat out. 

Keep practicing. 


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author: Patricia Lohan

Image: madebyralu/Instagram

Editor: Anjelica Ilovi