October 6, 2021

285 Words on Softening into the Present Moment.

What if we learn to soften?

To breathe

To sink



The present moment?

Into the truth

Of how we’re feeling?

What if instead of

Pushing and forcing,

We simply

Allow ourselves

To pause


And flow with what

Feels right instead?

What if we learn

To slow down

And breathe

To stop putting too many outsized,


Expectations upon ourselves?

What if the deepest parts of us learned this

So deeply

That we didn’t have to



Reminding ourselves of it?

What if we just went with what feels right



Or trying to explain away

Or around

What we know to be true for us?

What if we soften and just allow

What is

To be,

Without trying to make it

Become something

That it isn’t?

Even if what we want

we know

Can be

And will be

At some other point

In time?

What if we can let ourselves

Just flow with

How we’re feeling?

With what feels true to us?

With what is happening

Right here

Right now

In this breath

In this moment?

What if we could want

and allow?

And desire

And be?

And plan

And settle—

Into the now?

What if there was enough space

For all of it?

To breathe in the present


Moving toward the future?

To appreciate what’s happening


It’s actually happening?

While also knowing

We may want more,

Or something different?

To allow all of our feelings

About all of it?

What if we could move more deeply

Into this moment?

Into the present?

Into the now?

What if we could learn to


To be

To soften

To settle

Into this moment

Into this breath

Into the now?


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Lisa Erickson  |  Contribution: 261,295

author: Lisa Erickson

Image: Kinga Cichewicz/Unsplash