October 13, 2021

A Poem for any Woman who has ever been made to feel Less-Than in a Relationship.


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Then I Met You.

Dancing on the bar, I shined so bright

Then he pulled me down, lips clenched tight

I was my happiest, running wild amongst the trees

But he would rather be inside, and he said please

Trying new things was something I loved to do

Until the day I met you

“There’s beauty in the mundane,” he would say,

“Like when I saw you and couldn’t look away.”

Comments like that would hurt my extraordinary heart

But I couldn’t tell him without being accused of picking his words apart

My world was full of color—a beautiful kaleidoscope

He would say I was too much and he couldn’t cope

I was the kind of girl to always choose sparkles

But if I drew any attention he would become patriarchal

My dream was to become a writer

He would chuckle with a nonchalant flip of his lighter

I just wanted to read and write and play

But I quickly learned that was a waste of a perfectly good day

Dancing in the rain was something I was always open to

He would say that’s played out, and there are better things to do

I loved to meet friends for coffee

But he quickly said they were no good for me

I was sunshine on a rainy day

Then I met you and I turned gray


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Emily Cutshaw  |  Contribution: 8,145

author: Emily Cutshaw

Image: thenakedsloth/Instagram

Editor: Michelle Al Bitar