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October 18, 2021

Jon Farzam on How to Build an Extraordinary Team of Employees | Los Angeles, CA

These days, managers and leaders are always looking for advice on how to create a team full of the best employees possible. It’s only natural – a business succeeds or fails due to the people that support it.

Here is some advice on how to build an extraordinary team of employees. As with any list, these are only a few of the possible tactics that a leader could try to employ.

Put Results Over Facetime

Some companies have a significant emphasis on facetime. Employees must stay in the office and look busy even if they do not have any work. Leaving early may be frowned upon. Workers do not want to leave a bad impression. They do not want to do anything that might get them fired. All of this creates a toxic work environment.

Employees intentionally become unproductive. Instead of facetime, companies should emphasize results. They should not care if employees are in the office. They should be happy if everyone gets their work done. This gives employees the freedom to take work home and leave early when necessary. As a result, employee morale will improve.

Keep Training

Training should not just happen when a new employee joins the team. It should be continuous. There are a few reasons why. For one thing, the world is constantly changing. The company will fall behind if it does not have the latest technology. The competition will then dominate the market. Employers who do not want this to happen should regularly invest in new equipment. They should provide training on how to use this equipment.

In addition, employees get bored if they do the same things every day. They want to grow within the company by taking on new responsibilities every few years. Companies should embrace this growth mindset.

Have Enough Supplies

Workers cannot be fully productive when there are limited resources. People will start hoarding supplies. They will not be able to concentrate on assignments. Employees will also have to decide which projects to work on. They cannot work on every project because there are simply not enough resources. As a result, some projects will have to be abandoned. Therefore, companies must make sure the supply closet is always stocked.

Check if there are enough pens and notepads for everyone. Make sure there are ample technical supplies. For example, engineering companies need to have enough circuit boards for everyone. Companies with no money should get a business loan. They must do whatever it takes to help employees succeed.

Article originally published on

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