November 4, 2021

How Social Perfectionism makes us feel Lonely & What to do about It.

Why do we feel lonely while being around other people?

There is a difference between being alone and feeling lonely.

One does not exclude the other, but being around others also doesn’t protect us from feeling lonely.

After months of lockdowns, many of us are having a hard time reconnecting with friends and family. When the pandemic started last year, I didn’t feel lonely at all. As we were all forced to stay at home, I took the chance and reached out to many friends I lost contact with.

I never spent so much time on phone calls, video chats, and social media. But now, as the lockdowns come to an end, I feel lonelier than ever.

Maybe it’s time to rethink what loneliness actually means. We can feel lonely in a room full of people, and we can feel connected while being far away from friends and family.

Last night, I saw a video on YouTube that perfectly explained what to do when we feel lonely—and it’s not about meeting as many people as possible.

So, maybe it is about the connection with ourselves? And why does social perfectionism make us feel even more lonely?

I hope you enjoy watching this clip as much as I did.

May it be of benefit.

Here are four steps to overcome loneliness:



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Robert Busch  |  Contribution: 160,790

author: Robert Busch

Image: Psych2Go/YouTube