November 10, 2021

This is What true Connection Is.


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Just recently I met the incredible artist, @Michelle_yogogirls.

I’ve admired her photography and movement practice on Instagram for many years.

During that time, we’ve connected on a deeper level through sensuality, art, expression of movement, and like minds.

Recently, we created art together in Lake Como. It was a liberating experience because even though we’d never met, nor had we created art together, we both showed up open and real. From that, magic was born—not only in art, but by building a connection that created a bond and lifted each other up.

It made me think about connection and what it meant to me.

So much of the world’s messages give off the vibe that connection needs to be earned when we are good enough, but we will never be able to connect with others when we are trying to earn approval, praise, superiority, appreciation, or envy. In order for us to connect with others we have to give them time, honesty, and have shared experiences with vulnerability.

Connecting with others is one of the most beautiful things in the world. However, to build a connection involves healing our emotional wounds, to allow us to open up again. We can actually create a connection within ourselves too.

What I have learned over time is our willingness to show up as we are, and our trust that we will be taken care of, is life changing in so many ways. It is about giving time and energy in love not attachment, to those who respect and cherish it.

If healing is a return to wholeness, then connection is a reminder that we can trust others and life, and not be trapped in dogma, our trauma, or past. The key is our own willingness to try again, be vulnerable, show up for others, reach out, and make ourselves a part of life and our communities.

Connection is about having shared experiences, relatable feelings, or similar ideas, curiosity, compassion, and empathy.

Connection is the experience of universal oneness.

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Rhyanna Watson  |  Contribution: 28,895

author: Rhyanna Watson

Image: Author's Own/Instagram

Editor: Amy Vanheste