November 3, 2021

This Type of Love does Not Fade.


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How do we know what love really is?

We “love” everything from our family and friends to the cute sweater we saw online. We love the neighbor’s huge, fluffy dog. We love this movie, that TV show. We love our favorite song and, oh my god, we love pizza.

The word love can be used in so many different ways. Trivial at times, but also in the most meaningful way.

Love is something we search for. We long for and hope for. We fall in it. Then we fall out of it. We know true love is out there, and someday we will find it. But until we do, we can never truly understand it.

Merriam-Webster dictionary defines love as “a feeling of strong or constant affection for a person.”

This is a fairly simple definition. But in reality, this does not even begin to describe the feeling of true love—a feeling that comes from deep inside of us. It is a soul connection with another person that is hard to explain, let alone put into words.

True love, and I mean real true love, is what many of us hope to find and when it’s in front of us, only then can we fully understand the baffling mystery of what love really is—what that word really means. We then know that it is a feeling we have, not a word in a dictionary.

This type of love isn’t always easy. It often isn’t pretty and it can, at times, be downright disappointing. We may even wonder why we were ever looking for it, to begin with. But then we see their smile, we look into their eyes, and they give us that “look” that is only for us. We feel that pull toward them, that brought us together in the first place. And we know that this love is worth it. That this person we have found is worth it.

The love that we feel for this person is deep inside of us—a feeling that we don’t want to let go of. You were drawn together like fireflies to a flame and when you are with this person, you feel complete—a feeling that you have never had before.

It’s intoxicating and you want to hold on to them forever. It is a connection unlike anything you have ever felt with another person. Sure, there have been other times that you have thought that you were in love, but this love is something that goes so much deeper than those ever did. It’s more than simple lust and attraction because those feelings often go away.

This is a true, meaningful, deep connection and that type of love does not fade. You are attracted to and in love with this person’s very soul.

When we find this, it is only then that we can finally begin to understand that love is a feeling, not a word. That there really are no “words” that can describe the feelings inside of us that we have for this other person, this beautiful soul connection.

We know this love is different than any other love we’ve experienced before. So always take the time to nurture it, always fight for it, and most of all, always embrace it. Because this kind of love only comes once in a lifetime.


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Kelly Davis  |  Contribution: 10,360

author: Kelly Davis

Image: ivan.debs/Instagram

Editor: Juliana Otis