December 25, 2021

10 Life-Changing Books that will Radically Shift your Mindset in 2022.

Lately, I’ve been devouring books left and right.

My inner nerd is a happy camper as I crack open a new title, ready to ingest more wisdom, knowledge, and information that will serve my outer experience.

One thing is certain, I love books. I’m a book junkie. I can’t get enough.

With a new year approaching, it’s normal to take stock of where we are, what we would like to change or call in, and how we can become our most authentic selves.

Below, I share 10 books that have radically changed my mindset, my thinking, how I view life and the reality we’ve created, and my point of attraction.

Please enjoy and let me know which of these you have already read or plan to read in the comments! And let me know your favorites as well! I will add them to my list for 2022.

10 books I recommend for 2022:

1. The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson.

I will talk about this book (obsessively) to anyone who will listen!

Just pick it up anywhere you can, grab some tea, and prepare to have your mind blown. This book will completely change your beliefs about small actions, how time works, and how to get the most out of our creative ideas. It’s soooooo good.

2. Hardwiring Happiness by Dr. Rick Hanson.

If you want to know more about how the brain works, learns, and functions, this book is for you. I’ve referenced it in several articles I’ve penned this year. Hanson also lets us in on the secret to changing the physical structures in our brain to help us have a more fulfilling and pleasant outward experience.

3. Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill.

This is an oldie, but a goodie. This is actually Jeff Olson’s favorite book and it is referenced several times in The Slight Edge.

Some of the writing in this book is dated and clunky, however, the concepts and ideas shared are super helpful and hands-on. Hill took the habits and philosophies from prominent businessmen and compiled them for this book. His goal was to share the “secret” to growing rich using our thoughts and mindset. It’s pretty cool.

4. Embodying Soul by Keri Mangis.

Keri is an Elephant Journal writer and my friend. She wrote this gorgeous memoir that sits on my dresser so I can see it and be inspired by it daily.

I won’t give anything away, other than to say that the writing is stellar and beautifully put together. I literally could not put this book down and I was sad when I finished it!

5. Radical Acceptance by Tara Brach.

Brach is a clinical psychologist and a Buddhist. This book explores how we can radically accept ourselves and come back home to self-love, self-awareness, and deep compassion. A game-changer for anyone who struggles to meet themselves where they are.

6. You are a Badass at Making Money by Jen Sincero.

Sincero will make you laugh out loud as she explores some of our deep-seated beliefs about money, abundance, and being worthy to receive both.

I adore this woman because she uses humor to get to the good stuff. This book is backed with science and will have you so excited to earn more money and reach your potential, you’ll be unstoppable!

Also, check out You Are A Badass by her as well.

7. Everything is Figureoutable by Marie Forleo.

I’ve been following Marie for about 12 years now. I love her energy, her mindset, her savvy business sense, and her creativity.

This book will show you how powerful you are and help get your ass in gear for any goals you have for 2022. Because as you will learn, everything really is figureoutable when you look at it from a lens of solutions and creative problem-solving.

8. How to Do the Work by Dr. Nicole LePera.

This book gets to the heart of childhood trauma, talks about dealing with stress, anxiety, and fear, and imparts many lessons on how to change our deep conditioning and social programming.

In a nutshell, it’s awesome, so don’t miss out!

9. Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert.

This is a go-to book for creatives. It’s called Big Magic because it’s pretty magical.

Gilbert talks about how creativity works, how ideas come to us, and how to get more enjoyment and fulfillment when using our creative juices.

Just get yourself a copy and prepare for the magic to flow!

10. The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron.

This is probably my favorite book of all time.

This is a self-study creativity book. You will do a lot of writing exercises and explore your artistic side. I’ve gone through this book three times, all at different stages of my creative journey.

Learn how creative and resourceful you really are and how much impact you have on your life and the world.

I hope these books bring you enlightenment, healing, joy, deeper self-love, and a profound sense of the power you have in your life to receive anything you desire.

Happy reading and please tell me your favorite books in the comments!

May 2022 bring us closer to the best version of ourselves.


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author: Elizabeth Gordon

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