There are days when we carry the weight of the world on our shoulders.
There are days when we color our world blue. Days when we feel tangled and misplaced. We all have such days. But what if these days are starting to become our everyday life? That is when most of us even give a damn about our mental health.
There would not be another issue that is so prevalent yet infrequently addressed unless it is mental health itself. By definition, it may refer to the cognitive, behavioral, and emotional well-being of a person. It determines the way we think, feel, and behave, and this in itself validates its primordial importance.
All this being said, there is still a lot of stigmas associated with mental illnesses. It is time that we break free from the stereotypes coupled with mental health. The very concept of mental infirmity should be normalized, and emotional understanding and support have to be rendered to those who are in need. Conscious efforts must be made to address the issues.
Here are all the things that must take a backseat when we are dealing with a tough time:
Our mental health is more important than our comfort zone.
We realize that coming out and talking about our mental illness can be a scary affair. It is beyond scary to let someone know of our struggles and ask for help.
It takes a lot to be vulnerable and lay our hearts open and hope someone would understand the veracity of our feelings. It can be bloodcurdling to join that support group where we will have to admit we are not doing okay.
But we have to understand that our comfort zone must be a part of our journey, not our destination. It is just a brief layover to dwell in until we are ready to make that big leap. So let’s please have the courage to step out and live our life on our own terms. We must seek the help we deserve.
Our mental health matters more than our friends and family.
Yes, sometimes we just have to stand up for ourselves and keep ourselves first. It is okay to break free from people or things that seem to take so much of our time and peace. We have to muster the courage to let go of the toxic atmosphere to heal our wounds. We are allowed to say no to things that hurt us and walk away from people who are not good for our mental space. We don’t owe anyone an explanation for taking care of ourselves.
Our mental health matters more than our career.
It is completely okay if we want to take a breather and take a day or two off from work to focus on our mental health. When the stress gets too much and when we feel like it is starting to get the best of us, we should allow ourselves the grace to step back instead of putting ourselves on overdrive and exhausting ourselves.
If we keep doing that, we will only find ourselves starting to hate the job we do while our mental health deteriorates even further. Our mental health is more important than our schedule. So before we convince ourselves that we don’t have the time to seek therapy or just unwind, let’s remind ourselves that there is nothing more important than this. We should make a slot for our mental health in our daily schedule.
Our mental health matters more than our standing and reputation.
One reason why a lot of people shy away from getting the help they need is because of the longstanding fear that is attached with the same. Seeking therapy is looked down upon by a large section of society in spite of progressive education and awareness. But this should not have to stop us from doing what is right for ourselves.
We should not shy away from doing what is best for ourselves even if it means we have to go against the grain and burn some bridges. If someone tries to shame us for doing that, it says a lot about them. It is not our reputation that gets tainted when someone looks down on us; it is theirs.
So don’t be swayed by the negativity. Let’s surround ourselves with people who are supportive of our decisions and are good for our mental space. We should never let someone stand in the way of our growth.
Our mental health is more important than money.
As the classic saying goes, money is not everything. It surely does not buy us happiness. In the rat race of acquiring money and being wealthy, we should not forget to take care of ourselves. Nothing that we ever get out of life will replace the joy we derive from being at peace with ourselves.
Invest in good self-care instead, and we will see how much happier we become. Let’s take steps to be a better version of ourselves. Make changes in our lifestyle that will make us happier than the person we were yesterday. Put our money to good use. Pay for that therapy we desperately need. Use a bit of that money to hang out with our friends and have deep, soulful conversations. Even though we may feel like we are throwing our hard-earned money down the drain, anything that we spend to take care of our mental health goes not into waste.
In short, our mental health matters more than anything and everyone. It is high time that we destigmatize mental health and spark conversation about the same. That will hopefully encourage people to speak up about their struggles and receive the help they deserve.
It will teach them that suffering from mental problems is nothing to be ashamed of and embarrassed about. It will perhaps teach them to love themselves hard enough to consider themselves a priority and unlearn generations of conditioning.
There is no reason to keep these issues in the back drawer in hopes that they will somehow go on their own. We have to make the conscious decision to work on them. The only way we will survive this is if we take action.
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